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 ВАК (Аннотации статей, 2019 г)

Annotated Articles (2019 year)

№1-2  №3  №4  №5  №6  №7-8  №9  №10  №11  №12

System administrator №1-2, 2019

Approaches to testing in software engineering

Selivanov P.A., Kucher M.Yu., Belov Yu.S., Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga Branch) Kaluga, e-mail: fn1-kf@mail.ru

Abstract: This article provides information about the importance of application testing during software development. It is necessary in order to find errors and improve the software and is carried out to reduce risks, as the search and Troubleshooting occurs in advance. It will also consider two qualities of the error that affect the evaluation of the application by its user. The article also describes some testing methods, such as white box and black box testing, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as automated regression testing. The following process will describe the testing, which consists of 4 steps: test plan development, test development, test creation and execution, and results registration. Each stage will contain an explanation. Then the question of testing in agile teams is discussed, that is, how important it is for them and how it should be implemented in this method of development organization. At the end, we will talk about the Postman application, which is used to run tests to the API, what types of variables exist in it, how it works and the advantages of it.

Keywords: regression testing, automated testing, agile testing, API testing, Postman.


Translator of queries in limited natural language into queries to relational databases

Borodin D.S., graduate student of the Department of Computer Software and Information Technologies of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, demansen@yandex.ru

Stroganov Yu.V., Assistant of the Department "Computer Software and Information Technologies", MSTU. N.E. Bauman, ukunsun@mail.ru

Volkova L.L., Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Software and Information Technology, MSTU. N.E. Bauman, liliyaguar@mail.ru

Rudakov I.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Computer Software and Information Technology Department of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, irudakov@bmstu.ru

Prosukov E.A., Associate Professor, Lecturer, Department of Computer Software and Information Technologies, MSTU. N.E. Bauman

Abstract: Presented article is devoted to the question of translating texts in natural language. Within this scientific field, an expert system translating initial natural language queries into relational database queries was developed. An algorithm of receiving the result query and system limitations are described. A description of developed algorithm for generating distributional semantics-based semantic web is described.

Keywords: natural language, distibutional semantics, Prolog, semantic web, term-document matrix, query translation.


Investigation of the spectrum and resolvent of a 4th order differential beam with a threefold characteristic root

Orujev E.G., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical Economics, Baku State University, Republic of Azerbaijan, elsharorucov63@mail.ru

Aliev S.A., Nakhichevan Institute of Teachers, Department of Advanced Mathematics and Informatics, Senior Lecturer, Azerbaijan Republic, sahil.liyev83@mail.ru

Abstract: The article is considered that, the spectrum and the resolvent of a structure of fourth-order differential operators are investigated in space L2(0;∞), when one triple root is the main characteristic polynomial. It is shown that, a beam can have a finite or countable number of eigenvalues in theopen lower and open upper half-planes, and the continuous spectrum fills the entire real axis, where spectral features can be located. It is proved that, the resolvent of a structure is a bounded integral operator, defined on the whole space L2(0;∞), with a Carleman type.

Keywords: spectrum, eigen function, resolvent, ad joint operator, Carleman type.


Conceptual features of IdM-type solutions

Blazhko S.V., Postgraduate, Department of Information Technologies and Computing Systems, Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN", Moscow, blazhko@sergei.by

Abstract: As part of the production activities, the enterprise IT staff of has to perform many similar operations related to the management of user accounts in information systems. To reduce the time required to perform such operations, staff can develop limited software solutions only to specific systems but not compatible to other systems. Large companies, to manage the life cycle of same-user accounts in various systems, often use identity management or IdM systems. This article considers the features of the functioning, implementation and design of IdM-systems.

Keywords: idm, iam, identity manager, identity management, identity and access management, user account management.


Estimation of progress in the adaptive educational environment

Frolov A.V., FSBEI of HE "MSU. adm. G.I. Nevelskogo”, Vladivostok, Head of Computer Class No. 1, Department of Automatic and Information Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies, Vladivostok, Frolov@msun.ru

Frolova E.S., FSBEI of HE "MSU. adm. G.I. Nevelskogo”, Vladivostok, Postgraduate Student, Departments of Automatic and Information Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies, Vladivostok, odinochka_ja@bk.ru

Abstract: Infrastructure of the modern educational environment is adaptive. The corresponding systems of estimation conforming to requirements of adequacy, safety, technological effectiveness, interactivity, mass character, standardization, adaptability, etc. are necessary. In article the problem of estimation of educational achievements of trainees, formations of their rating at adaptive training, testing is considered. The model of estimation, drawing up the rating list is offered

Keywords: control, adaptability, training, testing, trainee, education.


The stability of the distributed automatic control systems with nonlinear delay

Tumanov M.P., Cand. of Techn. Sciences, professor (MIEM HSE), Moscow, miketum@mail.ru

Abstract: The article shows that in a typical automatic control system containing a network component, it is possible both to reduce the stability margin due to network lag and, in some cases, to increase this margin. The article deals with typical characteristic equations and their roots are calculated depending on the delay. The results of calculations are confirmed by simulation in Matlab.

Keywords: distributed control system; delay compensation.


Reducing the complexity of calculations due to setting the macromodel on the calculation range of the scheme output characteristics

Borisov N.I., D.Sc., Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, nborisov@hse.ru

Kasatkin A.D., Engineer, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, adkasatkin@hse.ru

Presnyakov S.A., Assistant, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, spresnyakov@hse.ru

Abstract: A formal method for constructing a macromodel of a linear equivalent electrical circuit formed in a uniform coordinate basis is described. The macromodel with the same accuracy, but with the calculation speed increased by several orders of magnitude, can be applied for the same calculations as the original model. The speed of multivariate calculation of frequency characteristics can be increased by building and reducing of a system of linear algebraic equations at each point of the frequency range.

The article was prepared within the framework of the Academic Fund Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in 2019-2020 (grant № 19-04-005) and by the Russian Academic Excellence Project «5-100».

Keywords: macromodel, equivalent electrical circuit, frequency characteristics.


Research on Modern Development Trends and Problems of Mixed Reality Industry

Anna I. Kalinina, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, aikalinina@edu.hse.ru

Elena A. Barysheva, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, eabarysheva_1@edu.hse.ru

Mikhail Yu. Raskhodchikov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, myuraskhodchikov@edu.hse.ru

Abstract: The article represents the results of analysis for identifying the current state of the market and key trends in the modern development of the mixed reality industry. The research is based on the data as of 2016-2018. The authors differentiate between the terms of virtual (VR), augmented (AR), and mixed reality (MR). The MR market is also analysed by geographical, industiral, product and consumer characteristics.

Keywords: mixed reality, virtual reality, augmented reality, VR, AR, MR, virtual environment, user environment, MR market.

System administrator №3, 2019

Movement of launch vehicle stages for open alienation zones

Povalyayev P.P., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), engineer

Kalenova N.V., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Associate Professor

Romanenkov A.M., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Associate Professor

Sharikov D.V., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), engineer

Abstract: In this paper, we consider an approach that will allow us to investigate the movement of the stages of launch vehicles. For example, the launch of the Soyuz launch vehicle was considered, or rather the critical fall of the second stage. To develop recommendations for reducing the “alienation” zone, a method of numerical modeling of free oscillations of the model has been implemented. The basic program based on the Godunov – Rodionov method of integrating the non-stationary Euler equations was improved by adding the ordinary differential equation of plane body motion (including plane angular motion and center-of-mass motion) to the integration unit, taking into account changes in the parameters of the incident flow due to height changes. To solve the gas-dynamic problem, a program for constructing a three-dimensional structured computational grid, in a rectangular coordinate system, has been developed. Processed data and visualized in specialized software packages such as Tecplot and Grapher 2.0.

Keywords: Mach numbers, Euler method, dynamic equation, ideal gas motion, Riemann problem, Godunov scheme, approximation, Fortran, three-dimensional flow, scattering zone.


Electronic business partner rating system

Kovalenko I.S., student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Kovalenko O.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Economic Security, Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of a computer system for building an electronic rating of small business counterparties when planning commitments. For a more objective assessment, a number of scientific works devoted to the development of mathematical models for rating construction were analyzed, the optimal formula for calculating the final rating was selected, allowing to adjust the estimated parameters and correlate new parameters with the overall rating.

Keywords: counterparty verification, commitment planning, small business, rating calculation, Internet services, rating construction, computer technologies, automated information gathering, high level of efficiency.


Development of a multisensory system for the tasks of monitoring and interpreting heterogeneous data

Bagutdinov R.A., Post-Graduate Student, Department of Automation and Robotics, School of Engineering Information Technologies and Robotics, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634034, Tomsk, ul. Usova 15b, ravil_bagutdinov@yahoo.com

Abstract: Various modern multisensory systems for monitoring and interpreting data operate on several types of heterogeneous sensor networks and use a variety of reasonably good segmentation and tracking algorithms. The work proposes the implementation of a multisensory system for monitoring and interpreting heterogeneous data, which will help in the development and design of a wide range of applications for monitoring and interpreting data that allow interacting with different modules and reusing code.

Keywords: multi-touch systems, heterogeneous data, modularity, flexibility, design.


Using of Ripple distributed registry system in bank payment systems

Repin M.M., Department of Information Security, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia, bmstu.iu8@gmail.com

Pshehotskaya E.A., Department of Information Security, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia, pshehotskaya@gmail.com

Prostov I.A., student, Moscow Polytechnic University, direction “Information security of automated systems», igorprostoff@gmail.com

Amfiteatrova S.S., студент, student, Moscow Polytechnic University, direction «Information security of automated systems», piacanlie@gmail.com

Abstract: This article describes a system of distributed registries Ripple and its use in banking payment systems. The structure of the system, its working algorithms are considered, the main components of Ripple are described. The typical threats to distributed registry systems most applicable to Ripple are analyzed and potential solutions are presented. Based on the research conducted, it was concluded that Ripple could be used in the banking sector.

Keywords: distributed registry systems, security of banking payment systems, Ripple.

System administrator №4, 2019

Researching the most common bugs in the Linux kernel by analysing commits in the Git repository

Staroletov S.M., Ph.D., associate professor at the department of Applied mathematics, Polzunov Altai State Technical University, serg_soft@mail.ru

Abstract: The article is devoted to a method of analysing the most frequent errors in the Linux kernel by checking the messages of Kernel developers’ commits using a library for working with Git repositories at the program level. The most frequent commit messages about error fixes are calculated using the Levenshtein distances between message texts. The article shows ways to analyse the most relevant error messages, identify the program code files with the most errors count, and display the most erroneous lines of code in these files. Presented some results of experiments on real repositories, including the main Linux Kernel repository, the memory subsystem, the network subsystem, the Bluez project.

Keywords: Bugs, Linux Kernel, OS, Levenshtein distance, Git.


Development of a method for protecting electronic documents by converging identity management approaches, information rights management and cloud computing

Blazhko S.V., Postgraduate, Department of Information Technologies and Computing Systems, Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN", Moscow, blazhko@sergei.by

Abstract: The article presents a method of protecting information contained in electronic documents by combining the approaches of the Identity Manager (IdM), Information Rights Management (IRM) and applying the cloud-computing model. The method based on the conceptual isolation of the protection context from the access subject, the allocation of interoperable components and the precise segmentation of the target blocks and maintaining the always-on DRM requirement.

Keywords: idm, irm, identity manager, information rights management, convergence.


Analysis of database management systems in modern conditions

Ogorodnikova O.V., Federal State Institution “Pre-trial Detention Center No. 2” of the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the city of Moscow. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. 187500, Leningrad Region, Moscow Tikhvin, ul. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 13, senior engineer of the automation group, olga-ogorodnikova@yandex.ru

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to examine the current conditions for the possibility of using database management systems by government agencies. What kind of DBMS can you choose for today. This raises the issue of compatibility of software and operating systems. Possible variants of database management systems are also considered: PostgreSQL, CronosPro, Red Database, Linter. As a result, the choice remains for the not very popular DBMS Linter, but the only possible applicable option for a number of government agencies.

Keywords: Database management system, workstation, Information system, software, operating system.


Microprocessor system for stabilization of angular speed of DC motor’s rotor

Sitnikov A.V., MSTU named after Bauman, Moscow 105005, Russia

Belobokova Yu.A., MSTU named after Bauman, Moscow 105005, Russia

Kolistratov M.V., NUST MISiS, Moscow, 119049, Russia

Abstract: The article discusses the control systems of a brushless DC motor, as well as circuit diagrams of a microprocessor control signal generating unit and a power amplifier. The algorithm of the microcontroller firmware program is described that provides the stabilization of the angular velocity of rotation of the rotor when the resistance moment changes on the shaft. The results of testing the DC motor with the stabilization system described are presented.

Keywords: DC motor, microprocessor control, rotational speed stabilization.


Investigation of the combined solution of the three-index assignment problem

Afraimovich L.G.Tyuntyaev A.S.Tyuntyaeva L.A., UNN them. N.I. Lobachevsky, Institute of Information Technologies, Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of "Informatics and automation of scientific research"

Abstract: The three-index axial assignment problem, which is discussed in detail in this article, is a special case of multi-index assignment problems and has a wide range of applications, which indicates its relevance. The article presents a study of the problem, during which: the algorithm of the branch and bound method is implemented with different branching strategies and the possibility of choosing an algorithm for counting lower bounds; a computational experiment was conducted with solving problems of different dimensions; The analysis of the obtained results. The purpose of the study is to find the best (in terms of elapsed time) combination of algorithm parameters (branching strategies, selection of a lower bound calculation algorithm) to solve the problem.

Keywords: three-index assignment problem, branch and bound algorithm.

System administrator №5, 2019


System administrator №6, 2019


System administrator №7-8, 2019


System administrator №9, 2019


System administrator №10, 2019


System administrator №11, 2019


System administrator №12, 2019


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