ВАК (Аннотации статей, 2017 г)
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 ВАК (Аннотации статей, 2017 г)

Annotated Articles (2017 year)

№1-2  №3  №4  №5  №6  №7-8  №9  №10  №11  №12

System administrator №1-2, 2017

The low-level performance optimization on the example of the hash function GOST R 34.11-2012

Severin P.A., graduate student of Radio Physics and Electronics of the Syktyvkar State University named after P. Sorokin., Syktyvkar, pav9687@yandex.ru

Golchevskiy Yu.V., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of information security behalf of the Syktyvkar State University named after P. Sorokin., yurygol@mail.ru

Abstract: The article concerns the possibilities of a low-level performance optimization for x86 architecture on the example of the GOST R 34.11-2012 hash function. The results of applying optimization methods such as optimizing compilers using, built-in functions and assembler code inserts on the common microarchitectures for Intel and AMD processors were analyzed. The article contents a demonstration of the achieved performance increase using a low-level optimization techniques significant dependence from the processor microarchitecture features. On the basis of results obtained in the study the optimized programs characteristics that needed to be considered when performing a low-level optimization were determined, its general features and application prospects were described.

Keywords: Optimization, computational acceleration, assembler, processor micro-architecture, compilation.


Optimal control for virus spreading: analytical and numerical results

Klimenkova O.D., Bachelor MIEM NRU HSE, Moscow «applied mathematics», odklimenkova@edu.hse.ru

Abstract: In this work, optimal control problem for a SIR model with variable size of population is considered. Our goal is to solve a problem of costs minimization. We investigate a SIR model with «vaccination» and «treatment» as controls. We consider two different functional and discuss their characteristics. Structures of optimal control are defined for every functional. Pontryagin’smaximum principle is used to characterize the optimal levels of controls. The optimality system is solved numerically. Then we analyze the dependence of solutions on parameter of problems. The simulation results are discussed.

Keywords: SIR-model, optimal control, Pontryagin’s maximum principle.


The influence of the delay of the signals in the virtual network space on the accuracy and stability of automatic control systems

Tumanov M.P., Cand. of Techn. Sciences, professor (MIEM HSE), Moscow, mtunanov@hse.u

Abstract: The article shows that in a typical automatic control system that contains the network component may be a significant drop in control accuracy due to network lag. The article describes a case of lag compensation using inaccurate delay model in the case when the model of the control object is considered sufficiently accurate. It is shown that the possible emergence of such dips of the frequency response with compensation.

Keywords: distributed control system, delay compensation.


Development of the web-designer of graphical user interfaces for intelligent building management system

Nikolaev P.L., Lecturer of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, npavel89@gmail.com

Abstract: The article describes the development of web application which is the designer of graphical user interfaces for intelligent building management system (IBMS). The technologies and tools used for application development are considered. The author provides the description of functionality, opportunities and features of the web designer. It also describes the organization of storage and data representation obtained after completion of design of the graphical user interface by using the designer.

Keywords: smart home, intelligent building, web designer, web application, user interface, JavaScript, JSON.


Software application for data clustering

Buchatskaya V.V. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics, Information Technology and Information Security. Adyghe State University, Maikop. buch_vic@mail.ru

Buchatskiy P. Yu. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Department of Automated Systems of Processing Information and Control. Adyghe State University, Maikop. butch_p99@mail.ru

Gushchin K.A. Undergraduate student. Adyghe State University, sargos92@gmail.com

Abstract: Consider the technology for creating web-resource, implements cluster analysis algorithms with the most simple and intuitive user interface, and possibility of further expansion of the functions. Describe structure and algorithm of this application. Result of the work is demonstrated by this example.

Keywords: cluster analysis, the Python programming language, the hierarchical algorithm, k-means algorithm, software, data clustering application.


Aggregation and decomposition of statistical data and key performance indicators in the management of socio-economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation. Part 2. Expansion of the proposed variant model for data preparation and decision-making by public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation using the means Business Intelligence to the entire management cycle

Manichev S.V., graduate student of Federal State Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Technological University», mgupi.mgupi2010@yandex.ru

Abstract: The article describes an expanded version of the cycle decision making and execution in public authorities using of KPI and BI, and also shows its relationship with the PDCA-cycle. There have also been demonstrated by the additional opportunities to work with OLAP-cubes in the framework of public administration.

Keywords: business intelligence, government functions, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), measurements, quality of management decisions, Deming-Shewhart cycle, Assessment Data Quality (ASQ).


  1. http://www.idc.com (date: 01.11.2016).
  2. http://www.cnews.ru (date: 01.11.2016).
  3. http://www.tadviser.ru (date: 01.11.2016).
  4. http://www.crn.ru/research (date: 01.11.2016).
  5. http://docs.cntd.ru (date: 01.11.2016).
  6. http://www.prognoz.ru (date: 01.11.2016).
  7. http://bars-open.ru (date: 01.11.2016).
  8. https://basegroup.ru (date: 01.11.2016).
  9. http://www.fors.ru (date: 01.11.2016).
  10. Information Letter of the Bank of Russia from 15.08.2014 ref. № 06-57-2 / 6659 «On reporting and notifications».
  11. http://www.cbr.ru/finmarkets/print.aspx?file=files/account/edocs/programma-anketa_arch2.htm (date: 01.11.2016).
  12. Paklin N.B., Oreshkov V.I. Business Intelligence: from data to knowledge. Tutorial. 2nd edition, revised [Text]. − M.: Piter, 2013. − ISBN 978-5-459-00717-6.
  13. Tyurin Yu.N., Makarov A.A. Statistical analysis of the data on the computer [Text] / Ed. V.E. Figurnova. − M.: INFRA-M, 1998. − 528 p.
  14. Drucker P. Practice of Management [Text]. − M.: MYTH, 2015. − 416 p. − ISBN 978-5-00057-332-7.
  15. Repin V.V., Eliferov V.G. Process approach to management. Business Process Modeling. − M.: RIA «Standards and quality», 2008. − 408 p. − ISBN 978-5-94938-063-5.
  16. Barseghyan A.A., Kupriyanov M.S., Stepanenko V.V., Holod I.I. Methods and data analysis model: OLAP and Data Mining [Text]. − St. Petersburg: CVS-Petersburg, 2004. − 336 p.


Software optimization resources as a tool for risk management and financial planning company policy

Nataliya Kazakova, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor, Doctor of Economic Science, axd_audit@mail.ru

Irina Dun, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, PhD, Associate Professor, irina-dun@mail.ru

Abstract: In conditions of insufficient financial resources for business development companies are forced to update technology, equipment and other fixed assets for production of competitive goods with borrowed sources either use leasing as a more affordable way to update the production funds. This increases the level of risk and the extent of their impact on the financial results of the company, increasing the uncertainty of the economic situation. In this regard, we propose the use of software and tool supply, allowing you to reduce risks when planning the financial policies of the company. We offer leasing management model in the industry provides an optimization tool company resources when using financial leasing as a source of business development. Development refers to special processes and systems modelling and unlike existing prototype allows you to quickly analyze the structure of leasing payments, evaluate cost-effectiveness of leasing operation that gives her an advantage when planning the financial policies of the company and used as a tool to optimize resources and risk management.

Keywords: program, a utility model, optimization, planning, resources, finances, efficiency, leasing, risk, financial policies.


  1. Analysis, comparative evaluation and prediction of effectiveness of leasing operations. /Kazakov N.A.//Leasing. 2014. # 8. P. 61-69.
  2. Analysis of prediction of the residual value of the leased property. / Kazakov N.A., Dun I.R. Leasing. 2014. # 5. P. 8-15.
  3. Ivanova A.N., Kazakova N.A. Risk assessment of suboptimal state of the main funds for companies in the oil and gas industry. Leasing. 2016. No. 2. P. 29-36.
  4. Kazakov N.A., Dun I.R. Information programme for the analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of leasing operations "Lizingmaster". Leasing. 2016. # 2. P. 48-52.
  5. Kazakova N.A. Development of competence-based training approach in higher economic education: experience of Russian economic University named after G.v. Plehanov. Modern problems of science and education. 2016. # 5. P. 234. URL: http://www.science-education.ru/article/view?id=25269 (date: 10.10.2016).
  6. Kohut E.A., Ivanova A.N., Kazakova N.A. Depreciation policy impact analysis on the financial results of economic activity of the leasing organization. Leasing. 2015. # 1. P. 32-35.
  7. Leasing as a mechanism for the development of entrepreneurship. / Dun I.R., Dun I.V.//Saarbrucken, 2011.
  8. Program analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of leasing operations "LIZINGMASTER". Kazakov N.A., Dun I.R. System administrator. # 01-02 (158-159), 2016. P. 141-143. URL: http://samag.ru/archive/article/3138 (date:16.01.2017).
  9. Accounting, analysis and risk assessment of entrepreneurial activity in the leasing market. Kazakova N.A., Kisnichjan M.B., Sivkova A.E., Kazakov A.Y.//Leasing. 2015. # 4. P. 53-61.
  10. Efficiency of leasing operations/Deshin V.E., DUN I.R. All for accountant. 2009. # 8. P. 47-52.

System administrator №3, 2017

The development of economic and educational information programs such as the current direction of training professionals

Prokofieva E.N., Ph.D., analyst at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, the HSE, eprokofyeva@hse.ru

Abstract: The modern development of economic-information areas of education as an effective system of training of professionals in the real sector and researchers in the modern science of organization and management is of great importance and as a tool for promotion of engineering and IT-professions, vector development and reformatting of existing traditional educational forms of training.

Keywords: Economics and Information Education, employers' rating of directions.


Methods and algorithms for solving tasks unloading server and synchronize distributed data in computing complex of information services of e-learning

Konkin A.V., graduate student, MIEM the HSE, gastgeber@land.ru

Abstract: This article presents methods and algorithms for solving tasks unloading server and synchronize distributed data in computing complex of information services for e-learning. It should be noted that these tasks are inherent in any distributed computing complexes and information systems, and their solutions have individual character.

Keywords: algorithms, methods, unloading servers, data synchronization.

System administrator №4, 2017

Representation of scenarios of intelligent building management system by coded trees

Nikolaev P.L., Lecturer of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, npavel89@gmail.com

Khoroshko L.L., Ph.D, associate professor of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, khoroshko@mati.ru

Abstract: In this paper the model of representation scenarios (control algorithms) which are implementing the work of intelligent building management system is offered. On the basis of the proposed model a software implementation of the environment for visual programming of algorithms for the operation of smart home systems is planned further. In this research the definition and structure of the scenarios based on the example are analyzed in detail. Also the way of representation scenarios in the form of trees coded by Prufer code is considered.

Keywords: smart home, intelligent building, visual programming, tree coding, Prufer code.


Protection methods of the distributed decentralized social networks

Bogoraz A.G., Department of Information Technologies Security, Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Rostov Region, Taganrog, bogoraz.a.g@gmail.com

Abstract: The main aim of this article is to determine the methods to be developed to improve security in a Decentralized Distributed Social Networks (DDSN). The basic DDSN architecture and differences between way of protection for client-server network and DDSN described and also specified the types of attacks that are relevant to DDSN. The analysis of the Russian and foreign scientific literature on the subject. Based on the analysis has been formulated the task to develop methods for registering a new user, the method of «Trust» that allows users to «moderate» other users, and method of the authentication at the DDSN.

Keywords: Decentralized Distributed Social Network, DDSN; Social Networks; Decentralized Networks; protection methods.

System administrator №5, 2017

New user registration method for Distrubuted Social Network

Bogoraz A.G., Department of Information Technologies Security, Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Rostov Region, Taganrog, bogoraz.a.g@gmail.com

Abstract: The purpose of this work is to develop a method for registering a new user in the Distributed Social Network, providing an increased level of security. The article also describes the limitations associated with the work of the method, as well as users who participate in the process of registering a new user. The following procedures are described: secure exchange of variables, registration, including generation of a new user's key pair, generation of additional key pairs that implement multi-layer encryption and periodicall change of these keys.

Keywords: Distributed Social Network, DSN, invitation, registration, social network, periodical pair regeneration, multi-layer encryption.


About the problem of updating data in the archived spare copies on hard disks

Chernyshov A.V., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Section of Department of Computer Systems and Networks, Mytiscthi branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytiscthi, sch@mgul.ac.ru

Abstract: Considered the problem of periodic data updates on the spare copies, made on external hard drives, of systems long archival storage of electronic information. Constructed model that describes in general terms the maximum amount of information in the storage system from the parameters characterizing the process of copying and properties of media used spare copies. According to the results of a real experiment evaluated the speed of read and write information to external hard drives with interface SATA-3 connected to the system through the interface USB3.0. Estimation of the maximum possible amount of information saved in the system long-term storage of small organization.

Keywords: archival storage of electronic information, spare copies of information, spare copies update, external hard drives.


Media content management system based on the mirror using augmented reality as a part of Internet of Things concept

Kazakov V.V., National Research University Higher School of Economics, student of the MIEM Department of Computer Engineering, vad_kazakov@mail.ru

Rolich A.Y., National Research University Higher School of Economics, graduate student of the MIEM Department of Computer Engineering, arolich@hse.ru

Abstract: The paper presents the results of the review and analysis of media content management systems on the basis of the mirrors. We present descriptive model and architecture of the developed system. The novelty consists in the development of a new device that allows users to interact with the Internet and manage media content using augmented reality. The article considers designed logical and physical model of system hardware and describes developed algorithms of the system. There are described a soft shell and new algorithms that significantly increase the amount of user interaction with his reflection, internet and media content using augmented reality.

Keywords: Management system, media content, Internet of Things, augmented reality, human-computer interaction, smart mirror, smart house.

System administrator №6, 2017

Control automata and dataflow paradigm of computation process is unordinary symbiosis

Salibekyan S.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the National Research University «Higher School of Economics», ssalibekyan@hse.ru

Shibaev R.V., National Research University «Higher School of Economics», rshibaev@hse.ru

Abstract: The article is devoted to description of the implementation of the control automata based on a dataflow computing system. Structural machine usually is part of the automatic control system: it receives signals from the sensors of the control object and sends outputs control signals to him according to a specific algorithm. The implementation of such a machine on dataflow database allows, in particular, to increase the effectiveness of its designs, reduce its development time and provides a convenient mechanism for its simulation.

Keywords: control automata, dataflow, object-attribute principle of organization of the computational process and data structures, automata program realization.


The method of differentiation of the user opportunities when interacting with DSN. Procedures of taking the first level of «trust» by a new user and communication through the "Principal"

Bogoraz A.G., Department of Information Technologies Security, Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Rostov Region, Taganrog, bogoraz.a.g@gmail.com

Abstract: The purpose of this work is to develop a method for differentiation users' capabilities when interacting with Distributed Social Networks (DSN). In this paper, the problem of access delimitation in the DSN is described, the idea of the "Trust" method is described, as well as the limitations and peculiarities of the method operation. The following describes the procedure for increasing the level of trust of a new user from "0" to "1" and the procedure of the users communication through the "Principal", which invited the user to the DSN and acts as a link between the new user and other users of the DSN.

Keywords: Distributed Social Network, DSN, social network, trust, demarcation, communication, principal.

System administrator №7-8, 2017

The mechanism of differentiation of the user opportunities when interacting with Distributed Social Networks. Increasing, decreasing and checking the «Trust» level of the user

Bogoraz A.G., Department of Information Technologies Security, Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Rostov Region, Taganrog, bogoraz.a.g@gmail.com

Abstract: This work is a continuation of the development of a method for distinguishing users capabilities when interacting with Distributed Social Networks (DSN). This article describes the procedures for increasing, decreasing and checking the level of the user's «Trust» and providing a list of users involved at the procedures, restrictions and recommendations related to the operation of the procedures. Also, the work describes situations in which the «Principals» are absent from the DSN at the time of performing the procedures or for a long time it does not appear in it.

Keywords: Distributed Social Network, DSN, social network, trust, level of trust, demarcation, principal, increasing, decreasing, checking.


The method of user authentication when interacting with Distributed Social Networks

Bogoraz A.G., Department of Information Technologies Security, Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Rostov Region, Taganrog, bogoraz.a.g@gmail.com

Abstract: The purpose of this work is to develop a method of user authentication in Distributed Social Networks (DSN). The problems of authentication in the DSN and differences from the "classic", client-server SN are described. The following describes the proposed method and procedures that it contains: the generation of reserve keys and reserve Digital Signature, the "association" of user devices with its account in the DSN to provide interaction with the DSN, storing the user's password in the DSN, password recovery and changing the main pair of encryption keys.

Keywords: Distributed Social Network, DSN, social network, authenthication, reserve keys, password, password storage, password recovery, device "association".


Monitoring program builds for Svace static analyzer

Andrey Belevantsev, Leading researcher, ISP RAS, Moscow, abel@ispras.ru

Alexey Izbyshev, Junior researcher, ISP RAS, Moscow, izbyshev@ispras.ru

Dmitry Zhurikhin, Researcher, ISP RAS, Moscow, zhur@ispras.ru

Abstract: The paper describes methods for performing controlled program builds with the goal of constructing the program’s representation for further static analysis. We discuss the specifics of intercepting process launches and compiler API calls for Windows and Linux. We show experimental evaluation of the controlled builds overhead.

Keywords: process interception, dynamic loading, debugging, Java agents.


Human-centred approach in design of information and communications technologies

Shevtsova O.V., Post-graduate student at School of design, National research university «Higher School of Economics», Moscow, olshevzova@gmail.com

Abstract: This article presents the two main value orientations of human-centered design, describes six main approaches that should be taken into consideration when defining the strategy of innovation’s design.

Keywords: social design, human-centered design, methodology and methods of human-centered design.

System administrator №9, 2017

Design a catalog of IT services for large structured companies

Lyubimov E.V., Ph. D., VSUES, Vladivostok, associate Professor of mathematics and modeling, lubimov@dvregion.ru

Abstract: In large structured companies centralized provision of it services a single information technology service is not always cost effective. It is necessary to remove organizational obstacles to the interaction between the customer and it services. It is proposed to distribute the service catalogue between business units, the key of which is an it service and to use the principles of budget management to interact.

Keywords: information technology, it management, it outsourcing, ITIL

System administrator №10, 2017

The modified Delaunay’s triangulation algorithm

Teplov A.A., Bachelor, MSTU Bauman, Department of "Software and Information Technologies", Moscow, teploff.a@mail.ru

Maikov K.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, MSTU Bauman, Department of "Software and Information Technologies", Moscow, maikov@bmstu.ru

Abstract: The results of the comparative analysis of the virtually popular methods of the Delaunay’s triangulation with high performance and low resource consumption are described in this article. The choice of the method for further modernization with the aim of building of dynamic 3-D objects in real time with a certain degree of detail is justified. One of the main stages of a fibered the two-pass algorithm of the Delaunay’s triangulation is modified. There is the proposal of the algorithm for the interval partitioning of the cell array of the triangulation in accordance with the density of distribution, allowing to avoid the errors in the hardware implementation.

Keywords: virtual reality, triangulation on a given cell array, Delaunay’s triangulation, building of dynamic 3-D objects.

System administrator №11, 2017

Experimental research of the modified Delaunay’s triangulation algorithm

Teplov A.A., Bachelor, MSTU Bauman, Department of "Software and Information Technologies", Moscow, teploff.a@mail.ru

Maikov K.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, MSTU Bauman, Department of "Software and Information Technologies", Moscow, maikov@bmstu.ru

Abstract: The results of experimental numerical researches of the modified Delaunay’s triangulation algorithm with high performance and low resource consumption are described in this article. The practical significance and expediency of applying the modification of the algorithm have been confirmed by the computer experiments results for modeling three-dimensional fractal objects of virtual reality. The experiments were conducted in the two stages: the generation of the unique points on a given range of coordinate values was in the first one; the research of the time dependence of the modeling Delaunay’s triangulation on the number of input points, which was obtained at the previous experiment stage, was in the second one.

Input data for the experimental researches are presented as a range of points array with step of , which is determined by the feature of displaying three-dimensional object with a practically acceptable degree of detail. The results of numerical experiments have been subjected to further interventions by excluding values which exceed the tripled standard deviation. The analysis of numerical experiments shows that the modified Delaunay’s triangulation algorithm satisfies real-time requirements on the input data set. A further direction of the algorithm development is proposed by replacing the sorting step with the procedure of dynamic calculation of the points locations.

The software implementation of the modified Delaunay’s triangulation algorithm was performed in the Python programming language of the third version. There were used developed integrable libraries such as: matplotlib, numpy and scipy, each of which had its own particular importance. Numpy and scipy were intended for calculate the time dependence the modified Delaunay’s triangulation algorithm. Matplotlib was intended for visualization of results.

Keywords: virtual reality; triangulation on a given cell array, Delaunay’s trian-gulation, building of dynamic three-dimensional objects.

System administrator №12, 2017

Research of approaches to constructing the convolutional neural network for human activity recognition

Nikolaev P.L., Lecturer of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, npavel89@gmail.com

Abstract: In this paper we research methods for constructing the convolutional neural network for human activity recognition on the image obtained with the camera. Two approaches to building the convolutional network, such as training from scratch and the use of pretrained neural networks are considered. Also, the results of the work of convolutional networks constructed and trained by the considered methods are given.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, image recognition.


Development of intellectual voice assistant using machine learning algorithms

Polyakov E.V., graduate of the faculty of MIEM HSE University, Moscow, epolyakov@hse.ru

Mazhanov M.S., bachelor of the faculty of MIEM HSE University, Moscow, msmazhanov@edu.hse.ru

Kachalova M.V., University of Mannheim, mkachalo@mail.uni-mannheim.de

Polyakov S.V., Moscow Aviation Institute, ns.polyakov@mail.ru

Abstract: The development of cognitive technologies contributes to the effective introduction of Artificial Intelligence into the everyday life of a person. New interfaces for device-human interaction appear. Understanding the natural language of human is one of the most promising areas of the development of Artificial Intelligence. Voice assistants are a striking example of such systems, they can be integrated into many other intelligent systems and improve the convenience of human-computer interaction. In this paper, the main shortcomings of voice assistants, the principles of functioning and possible ways of development of this technology are described. The development of an autonomous voice assistant is described.

Keywords: NLU, TTS, NER, ASR, Internet of Things, IoT, Voice Assistant, Smart Things, Machine Learning.


The approach to the assessment of quality of services and identifying the optimal providers in Russia

Belova T.A., student, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University) st. Ulyanova, 1, mir-kracok@mail

Ponachugin A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics and Information Technologies in Education, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University) Ulyanova, 1, sasha3@bk

Abstract: This article describes the main problems associated with the provision of Internet services. Reviewed and presented new ways of RV this article describes the main problems associated with the provision of Internet services. Reviewed and presented new ways of solving problems.

As a solution it was proposed to focus its attention on the selection of optimal service provider, as this depends largely on the quality of servants.

It is proposed to perform market providers in Russia, to define criteria for the selection of providers to assess their competitive advantages in comparison with other companies, to identify the leading companies providing these services.

Identified key prospects for the development of networks. solutions to the problem. As a solution it was proposed to focus its attention on the selection of optimal service provider, as this depends largely on the quality of servants. It is proposed to perform market providers in Russia, to define the criteria.

Keywords: ISP, Internet, Internet-services, modem, FTTB, ADSL, quality of service, information technology, payment, SLIP, PPP, perspectives for the development of networks, the data transfer rate.

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