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 ВАК (Аннотации статей, 2018 г)

Annotated Articles (2018 year)

№1-2  №3  №4  №5  №6  №7-8  №9  №10  №11  №12

System administrator №1-2, 2018

Optimization of recognition technology for streaming data

Povalyaev P.P., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Master, pavel.povalyev@gmail.com

Abstract: The article presents the technology of data recognition with high speed. The system allows to significantly reduce the time spent on processing one frame, and also improves the quality of the result. To implement this technology, a low-level WebAssembly programming language was chosen, this application runs in the browser and is a portable abstract syntax tree. Scheme of work "client-server".mization were determined, its general features and application prospects were described.

Keywords: Recognition, computer vision, static images, streaming data, WebAssembly, data transfer, network disruption, cross-platform, text detection, localization, segmentation, client-server, frame-recruitment.


Designing a regional fragment of the federal system of e-democracy. Part 1. Technologies and practices for the implementation of the “digital economy” and “electronic democracy” in the Subjects of the Russian Federation

Manichev S.V., graduate student of Federal State Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Technological University”, mgupi.mgupi2010@yandex.ru

Abstract: The article describes examples of successfully projects in the field of “digital economy” and “e-democracy” in terms of providing “electronic participation” of citizens in public administration, as well as laid the basis for designing the process of applying the Regional fragment of the federal e-democracy information system for use on mobile devices.

Keywords: Digital Economy, Electronic Democracy, E-participation, Smart Cities, Big Data.


  1. The program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1632-r of 28.07.2017.
  2. https://www.bsigroup.com/en-RU/ – British Standards Institute (date of circulation: 26.11.2017).
  3. Deakin. From intelligent to smart cities // Smart Cities: Governing, Modeling and Analyzing of Transition. – Taylor and Francis. – P. 15. – ISBN 978-1135124144.
  4. “The Future is Coming: Cities Readiness Rating” // Pricewater-houseCoopers – Access mode: https://www.pwc.ru/en/assets/the-future-is-coming-english.pdf (date of circulation: 26.11.2017).
  5. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2012 No. 601 “On the main directions of improving the system of public administration”.
  6. The site of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://minsvyaz.ru/ru/ (date of circulation: 26.11.2017).
  7. The site of the project “Open government” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://open.gov.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  8. Drozhzhinov VI, Raikov AN Cognitive government. VII International IT-form with the participation of the BRICS and SCO countries, Khanty-Mansiysk, July 6-7, 2015.
  9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2008 № 632-r “On the approval of the Concept of the formation in the Russian Federation of electronic government until 2010”.
  10. Portal “Our city” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://gorod.mos.ru/ (date of circulation: 26.11.2017).
  11. Portal “Our St. Petersburg” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://gorod.gov.spb.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  12. Portal “Dobrodel” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://dobrodel.mosreg.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  13. Portal “Active citizen of the Republic of Buryatia” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://voting.govrb.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  14. Virtual dispatching on housing and communal services [Electronic resource] – Mode of access: http://gkh.admsurgut.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  15. Crowdsourcing platform of Moscow “Together” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://crowd.mos.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  16. The site “Russian public initiative” [Electronic resource] – Mode of access: https://www.roi.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  17. Service “Active citizen” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://ag.mos.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  18. Report for 2017 [Electronic resource] // Service “Active citizen” – Access mode: https://ag.mos.ru/otchet2017 (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  19. Vagin VV, Shapovalova NA Initiative budgeting and related practices [Text] // Financial analytics: problems and solutions − M.: OOO “Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT – ISSN: 2073-4484 − p. 2-19.
  20. Pinaevskaya M.V. Public participation in the budget process of St. Petersburg on the example of the project “Your budget” [Text] // Actual issues of economics and management: materials V Intern. sci. Conf. (Moscow, June 2017). − M.: Buki-Vedi, 2017. − p. 34-37.
  21. Levina V.V. Formation and development of mechanisms of initiative budgeting [Text] // Journal of Finance and Credit − M.: LLC Publishing House FINANCE and CREDIT − ISSN: 2071-4688 − 2016 − p. 16-31.
  22. “Your budget” [Electronic resource] // The site of the Committee of Finance of St. Petersburg – Access mode: https://new.fincom.gov.spb.ru/budget-for-citizens/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  23. “Electronic democracy of the Novosibirsk region” [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://www.dem.nso.ru/ (date of circulation: 26.11.2017).
  24. Coverage map of the cellular communication of the territory of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] // The site of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation – Access mode: https://geo.minsvyaz.ru/ (reference date: 26.11.2017).
  25. Gavrilova N.V. Implementation of projects of participatory budgeting by means of the Internet [Text] // Bulletin of the Udmurt University, series “Economics and Law” – 2017 – p. 19 – 26
  26. Vagin VV, Gavrilova NV, Shapovalova NA Initiative budgeting: the international context of the Russian version [Text] // Financial Journal 2015, No. 3 (25) May-June – 2015 – p. 117-122.
  27. Methodological recommendations on the implementation of the principles and mechanisms of open government in the subjects of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] // The Open Government website. – Access mode: http://open.gov.ru/openregion/ (reference date: August 12, 2015).


Analysis of the applicability of existing methods of information security risk assessment

Repin M.M., lecturer, Moscow Polytechnic University, direction “Information security”, bmstu.iu8@gmail.com

Przhekotskaya E.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Faculty of Informatics and Management Systems, Head of the Educational Program “Security of Advanced Information Systems”, Moscow Polytechnic University

Plotkin A.S., student, Moscow Polytechnic University, direction “Information Security”, sances.98@mail.ru

Krivonogov A.A., student, Moscow Polytechnic University, direction “Information security”, boozer273@gmail.com

Abstract: To solve various problems in the our world, information technology is increasingly being used. There is an annual growth trend of cyber threats to information resources, and their protection is one of the most important tasks. The solution of this problem requires the preparation and adoption of organizational and technical measures to ensure the cybersecurity of information resources. The basis for building any system of protection from cyberthreats is a risk analysis. This article discusses some of the methods that are not currently used in the field of information security, but potentially applicable in the future.

Keywords: risk management, risk analysis, information security risk analysis methods application.


Methods of proactive monitoring of information systems

Dubrovin M.G., Tyumen State University, Tyumen, dubrovin.mg@gmail.com

Gluhih I.N., Doctor of Technical Science, professor, Tyumen State University, Tyumen, igluhih@utmn.ru

Abstract: The article shows the importance of applying proactive monitoring methods for the rapid identification and elimination of critical and emergency situations in information systems, as well as for predicting their future behavior. The main tasks of proactive monitoring are outlined, and a thematic overview of the work devoted to this area is given.

Keywords: proactive monitoring, performance prediction, IT system, neural network.

System administrator №3, 2018

Computer simulations for radiation electrization of polymer composite materials having controlled electrical conductivity

Abrameshin A.E., National Research University Higher School of Economics, ul. Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow, 101000 Russia, AAbrameshin@hse.ru

Korkinets V.O., National Research University Higher School of Economics, ul. Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow, 101000 Russia, VOKorkinets@edu.hse.ru

Pozhidaev E.D., National Research University Higher School of Economics, ul. Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow, 101000 Russia, EPozhidaev@hse.ru

Abstract: A physic-mathematical model of radiation electrization of composite polymer film materials having controlled dark conductiyity was proposed, taking into account the time-varying value of its radiative conductivity. Computer simulations have been carried out for radiation electrization of composite low-density polyethylene films having controlled electrical specific conductivity 10-7-10-16 Ω-1•m-1 in case of values of a flow of electrons 10-7 A·m-2 (corresponds to conditions of a quiet geomagnetic situation) and 10-5 A·m-2 (corresponds to conditions of atypical geomagnetic substorm). It is shown, when the radiation conductivity is commensurable with the dark conductivity, it substantially slows down the increase of the electric field strength over radiation time. It is shown on the example of films of PENP that application of the composite dielectric films having controlled specific dark conduction 10-9-10-10 Ω-1•m-1, allows to exclude completely electrostatic discharges even in the conditions of course of a geomagnetic substorm.


  1. DeForest S.E. Spacecraft charging at synchronous orbit // J. Geophys. Res. 1972. Vol. 77. No. 4. P. 651-659.
  2. Catani J.-P., Payan D. Electrostatic behavior of materials in a charging space environment // Proc. 9th Int. Symp. On Materials in a Space Environment. Noordwijk: ESA Publ. Division,2003. P. 3-16.
  3. Babkin G.V., Vakhnichenko V.V., Ivanov V.A., Levitsky Yu.E., Lukyashchenko V.I., Morozov Е.М. Antistatic protection of domestic spacecraft. The state of the problem and the prospect of its solution. // Cosmonautics and rocket science, 2003, No. 1 (30). - P. 5-14.
  4. Abrameshin A.E., Belik G.A., Sayenko V.S. A new method of protecting the onboard equipment of the spacecraft from internal electrification. // In the book: Control Systems for Unmanned Space and Atmospheric Aerial Vehicles: Abstracts of the II All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference (Moscow, October 24-26, 2012). – M .: MSCB Mars, 2012. P. 160-162.
  5. Blanchard P., Pelletier B., Using ESD Diodes as Voltage Clamps, Analog Dialogue, vol. 49, Oct. 2015.
  6. Robinson L. How to select effective ESD protection diodes. DesignCon, 2017, 31.01-02.02, Santa Clara, Ca.
  7. Pozhidaev E.D. etc. Increase of the stability of space vehicles to the impact of damaging factors. // Astronautics and rocket engineering, 2003, No. 1 (30). – P. 32-35.
  8. Frederickson A. Electric Discharge Pulses in Irradiated Solid Dielectrics in Space // IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insula-tion. 1983. Vol. EI-18. No. 3. P. 337-349.
  9. Mileev V.N., Novikov L.S. Physico-mathematical model of electrification of satellites in geostationary and highly elliptical orbits // Investigations in geomagnetism, aeronomy and physics of the Sun. – Moscow: Nauka, 1989. P. 64-98.
  10. Abrameshin A.E. Computer modeling of radiative charging of weakly conducting dielectrics / Abrameshin AE, Azarov MD, Pozhidaeva AE // System Administrator, 2015, No. 4. – P. 91-95.
  11. Pages L., Bertel E., Joffre H., Sklavenitis L. // Еnergy loss, range, and bremsstrahlung yield for 10-kev to 100-mev electrons in various elements and chemical compounds / Atomic Data,1972, v. 4, P. 1-127.
  12. Sayenko V.S. et al. // The Role of Stable Free Radicals in the Radiation Conductivity of Low-Density Polyethylene / High Energy Chemistry. 2011. P. 45. № 1. P. 51-54.

Keywords: Computer simulations, a physic-mathematical model of radiation electrization, composite polymer film materials, controlled electrical conductivity, electrostatic discharges.


Organization of adaptive streaming of video using CDN and distributed load balancing using the Nginx web server

Nekrasov G.A., National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia, alax-27@mail.ru

Romanov A.Yu., National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia

Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of an automated service for the media content delivery network in the organization of adaptive online streaming on the Internet. This organization of broadcasting of video streams allows to automatically adjust the amount of transmitted data per unit of time (further bit rate), changing the quality of the requested media content accordingly. As a result, the quality will be underestimated for those users who use data channels with low bandwidth, and vice versa, for those users who are connected to high-bandwidth communication channels, the content will be provided with the highest possible quality. In this process, the user does not take any part: the client video player itself determines which bitrate will optimally display the content to a specific user in order to avoid buffering the video, but at the same time ensure that it is displayed in the highest possible quality. Switching between bitrates can occur continuously with both a decrease and an increase in bit rate, depending on changes in the quality of the currently available bandwidth. In addition to the adaptive video broadcasting service, the developed service allows you to transcode video streams on the fly. By accessing the RTSP / RTMP stream, the network converts it into RTMP / HLS-multibitre, resulting in the generation of video streams of different quality, supported by both mobile devices and personal computers.

Keywords: CDN, content delivery network, adaptive streaming, streaming online broadcasting, media content, multi-bitrate, RTSP, RTMP, HLS.

System administrator №4, 2018

Method and program of automated synthesis of thermal conditions for microelectronic equipment

Gromov I.Yu., graduate student, National Research University "Higher School of Economics", prostoe@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper presents a brief description of principle of automated parametric and structural optimization method for thermal regime system of handheld and onboard radio electronic devices using modern information technologies.


  1. Ulitenko A.I., Gurov V.S., Pushkin V.A. Principy postroenija individual'nyh sistem ohlazhdenija jelektronnyh priborov i ustrojstv. – M.: Gorjachaja linija-Telekom, 2012. – 286 s.: il.
  2. Sidy Ndao, Yoav Peles, Michael K. Jensen. Multi-objective thermal design optimization and comparative analysis of electronics cooling technologies. // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009), pp. 4317-4326.
  3. Jaluria, Yogesh. Design and optimization of thermal systems. – 2nd ed. / Yogesh Jaluria, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2007. – ISBN 978-0-8493-3753-6. – 752 p.
  4. Kozhevnikov A.M. Methodi optimalnogo proyektirovaniya bortovih radioelektronnikh sredstv na osnove modelirovaniya ikh elektricheskikh, teplovikh i mekhanicheskikh regimov [Tekst]: dissertaciya na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni doktora technicheskikh nauk. / A.M.Kozhevnikov, MIEM, 2005.
  5. Bandi B. Methodi optimizacii. Vvodniy kurs: [Per. s angl.] / B. Bandi. – M.: Radio I svyaz, 1988. – 128 s.

Keywords: radio electronic devices, optimization, design, automation, thermal regime.


Development of mathematical models of avalanche-type degradation processes using the method of least squares

Egorova MV., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812 Chair, Lead Engineer

Abstract: This article presents a model of degradation processes based on a simple interface and having great functionality. The system allows you to get rid of problems in predicting the failure of operated electrical devices. To implement this program was chosen programming language C # and DBMS Microsoft Office Access. In this program consists of 2 forms: the form "Modeling of degradation changes" and the form "Entering data manually". All information is stored in files of the accdb format (you can open this file using the Microsoft Office Access program), for the possibility of making changes to users who do not have experience with the DBMS.

Keywords: degradation processes, least-squares method, nonlinear equations, avalanche process, multifactor model, linear regression model, C #, Microsoft Office Access, fractional-rational function, Cramer method, extrapolation, Gauss-Markov theorem.


Analysis of calculating geometric fractal algorithms applied to the synthesis of three-dimensional, dynamic and tree-like structures

Teplov A.A., Master, MSTU Bauman, Department of “Software Information Technologies”, Moscow, teploff.aa@gmail.com

Maikov K.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, MSTU Bauman, Department of “Software and Information Technologies”, Moscow, maikov@bmstu.ru

Abstract: The comparative analysis results of the virtually popular algorithms of two-dimensional fractals construction with high performance and low resource consumption are described in this article. The choice of the method for further modernization with the aim of building of dynamic, three-dimensional and tree-like objects with a certain degree of detail is justified.

Keywords: three-dimensional fractals, virtual reality, building of dynamic three-dimensional objects.

System administrator №5, 2018

Identifying an effective system for monitoring the leakage of confidential information on basis of comparative analysis

Fadeeva Yu.A., student, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University) st. Ulyanov, 1, yulya.julechka1997.fadeeva@mail.ru

Ponachugin A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Applied Informatics and Information Technologies in Education, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University) Ulyanova, 1, sasha3@bk.ru

Belova T.A., student, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University) st. Ulyanova, 1, mir-kracok@mail.ru

Abstract: This article identifies the main problems associated with the loss of confidential company data. Also considered are available and new ways of solution are presented. As a solution to the problem, it was suggested to conduct a comparative analysis of the current certified means of information protection from the state register of certified data protection facilities of FSTEC of Russia. For this purpose, it is proposed to use the optimization method for determining the most effective system, to select the basic requirements imposed by consumers for DLP-systems, to identify a system corresponding to the maximum set of possible requirements.

Keywords: informations security means, information security, information system, confidential information, DLP system, NSD.


Actual problems of development and implementation of automated managment system for urban passenger transport

Ponachugin A.V., Ph.D. (Economy), associate professor of the chair «Applied Informatics and information technology in education» Nizhny Novgorod state pedagogical university of K. Minin, Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), sasha3@bk.ru

Sokolov V.A., Ph.D. (Engineering), associate professor, head of the department «Information and mathematics» Institute of food technologies and design branch of Nizhny Novgorod state engineering-economic University of Knyaginino, Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), sokolov_nn@rambler.ru

Abstract: The creation of an automated transport management system makes it possible to increase the efficiency of transport management and the effectiveness of monitoring based on the well-functioning and development of the information and technological resources of the industry and the creation of a single information space for the transport complex. The author outlines the basic information on the use, operation and organization of the development of automated control systems, their subsystems, databases, automated workplaces in relation to the urban transport system.

Keywords: automated management system, urban transport, traffic schedule, dispatching management, road facilities, quality of transport services, passenger needs, communication facilities, transport complex, traffic flow, functional segments, management efficiency.


Production of natural experiment of determining the probability of failure of BD-R recorded discs during storage

Chernyshov A. V., Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Section of Department of Computer Systems and Networks, Mytiscthi branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Mytiscthi, sch@mgul.ac.ru

Abstract: The problem of the choice of parameters for setting a natural experiment to determine the probability of failure of the BD-R optical disk with recording in the process of long-term storage is considered. The most critical parameter that determines the statistical validity of the experiment results is the number of disks involved in the experiment. The duration of the experiment (one year or more) makes it impossible to increase their number during the experiment. The article substantiates the values of the optical disk failure probability, which can be obtained as a result of the experiment, and calculates the number of optical disks that should be included in the experiment. Describes a burn process for discs for the implementation of the experiment.

Keywords: аrchival storage of electronic information, BD-R optical disk, the probability of failure of WORM optical disk.


Experimental researches of the algorithm applied to the synthesis of three-dimensional, fractal and dynamic structures

Teplov A.A., Master, MSTU Bauman, Department of “Software Information Technologies”, Moscow, teploff.aa@gmail.com

Maikov K.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, MSTU Bauman, Department of “Software and Information Technologies”, Moscow, maikov@bmstu.ru

Abstract: An algorithm is developed, the main features of which are the applicability to the synthesis of a three-dimensional fractal dynamic structures, the ensuring an acceptable scale invariance, high performance and low resource consumption. The practical significance and expediency of applying the algorithm for modeling three-dimensional fractal virtual reality objects have been confirmed with the computer experiments results.

Keywords: three-dimensional fractals, virtual reality, building of dynamic three-dimensional fractal objects.


A program complex for solving equations of a two-dimensional boundary layer

Sobenevsky A.P., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812-th department, technician

Povalyaev P.P., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812-th Department, engineer

Abstract: This article describes the developed program in C ++ & C # languages to solve the equations of a two-dimensional boundary layer on the surface of an aircraft at supersonic flight speeds based on quasilinearization and scalar sweep methods. This program allows you to find both local and integral parameters of the laminar, transition and turbulent boundary layer. These parameters are necessary for determining the components of aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft with regard to viscous effects. As a result, a calculation program (core) and a graphical program (GUI) were received to receive and process the data. In addition, the work presented a comparison of the result of the program with real experimental data. This software can be used in various companies that specialize in the manufacture of parts. Moreover, on almost any platform, regardless of the level of obsolescence of computers in the enterprise. Together, this makes the PC not only unique, but also relevant for enterprises in the relevant areas of work.

Keywords: laminar flow, turbulent flow, gradient, Navier-Stokes equations, boundary layer, external flow pulsation, quasi-linearization method, boundary value problem, visualization, C #, C ++, WinForms, Mach numbers, Reynolds number.


System administrator №6, 2018

The model of an intelligent pending search system with specified criteria

Egorova M.V., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812 Chair, Lead Engineer

Abstract: In the framework of this article, an analysis of available search solutions is made, algorithms are designed that meet the requirements applied to both the model and the solutions already implemented in the software. Thus, the model of search intelligent systems was developed: the search system by means of filtering and selection according to predetermined characteristics, properties and attributes assigned to the data. The program allows you to successfully perform a search for things you need by certain criteria. To implement this program, the Java programming language was chosen. This developed model is simple and effective in human use.

Keywords: model of intellectual system, iOS, Android, intelligent search, search string, Java programming language, Android Studio, search filter.


Theory and practice of collaborative design of innovation solutions: participatory design

Shevtsova O.V., Research Fellow, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, oshevtsova@hse.ru

Abstract: The paper briefly investigates the historical formation and current practice of participatory design since its dawn till these days across a range of keys works. Also a series of current cases were described to formulate relevant research questions.

Keywords: participatory design, cooperative design, co-design. creative cooperation, design process.


Development of vibration damping methods using point stationary dampers. Part 1. Vibrations of a string

Troenko S.Yu., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), bachelor, 813 department

Povalyaev P.P., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812 department, engineer

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of quenching vibrations of a string using several point dampers. Methods for damping vibrations of a string using several point stationary dampers for arbitrary initial perturbations are proposed. As the boundary conditions, the fastening conditions are considered. A numerical algorithm for solving the problem of damping of oscillations of a string is developed to find the optimal control, namely, using the gradient method, and the gradient was calculated using fast automatic differentiation. A software application has been developed that implements numerical methods and visualizes the main results of this work for different values of the initial data. The application is written in C#.

Keywords: oscillations, damper, membrane, boundary value problem, wave equation, grid method, approximation method, gradient, Lagrange method, C #, Neumann stability condition, quadratic parabola method, coordinate descent method, Fourier method, Dirac delta function.

System administrator №7-8, 2018

Approach to distributed software-defined data centers management

Gavrilov A.V., post-graduate student of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow, Russia, agavrilov@hse.ru

Abstract: Consider and analyze the current state of modern data centers and existing solutions to design distributed cloud data centers. Author presents hierarchical distributed agent-based control plane. Article covers its main features and five main use-cases of this approach.

Keywords: web-scale IT, SDDC, cloud DC, distributed DC, hierarchical distributed agent-based control plane, HD-ABCP.


Development of the Automated Software for Recognition of Road Signs

Kanishchev V.V., Student, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, vetasindi@yandex.ru

Kotenev D.D., Student, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, danilkotenev@yandex.ru

Abstract: The search for road signs on the image in the modern world is becoming increasingly important. With the widespread use of DVRs and navigators, the addition of their character recognition feature will greatly enhance the user-friendliness of the driver's interaction with the road, especially at complex interchanges. In addition, this function can be used for road services, who want to check the correctness of the signs. In this research, a variant of an automated system for recognizing road signs on an image is presented.

Keywords: image analysis, computer vision, data analysis, object recognition.


Clustering of medical big data as a tool for decision support systems in mathematical cardiology using cloud technologies

Zimina E.Yu., National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow State University of Electronics and Mathematics A.N. Tikhonova, Tallinskaya, 34, Moscow, Russia, 123458; CJSC "EU-Leasing", Warsaw highway, 125, p.1, Moscow, Russia, 117405

Novopashin M.A., ZAO "EU-Leasing", Warsaw highway, 125, p.1, Moscow, Russia, 117405

Shmid A.V., National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics A.N. Tikhonova, Tallinskaya, 34, Moscow, Russia, 123458; CJSC "EU-Leasing", Warsaw highway, 125, p.1, Moscow, Russia,117405

Abstract: Mass use of mobile devices for the removal of electrocardiograms (ECG) leads to a quantitative increase in the number of patients available for ECG study. Thus, new opportunities arise for studying the oscillatory processes of the long-term dynamics of the individual state of the cardiovascular system (CVS) of any patient.

Keywords: cardiology, large data, cluster analysis, mathematical cardiology.


VAMR-industry: Analysis of Contemporary State and Topical Issues in Development

Kalinina A.I., Teacher Trainer of Ехtern Online Training Centre (International Education Projects, LLC), anutka-bell@yandex.ru

Abstract: The modern virtual reality industry holds a lot of potential since its investment activity along with the development of have been increasing. However, this field is still not so widespread. The article is devoted to the analysis of the VAMR-industry current state, to the research of topical issues that do not allow the industry to become a part of the user’s daily life, and to the search of their possible solutions. The definitions of ‘VR’, ‘AR’, ‘MR’ and the statistical data of the investment activity and the industry growth rate in 2016-2018 are given. The article considers the VAMR-industry problems from the perspective of a user and in accordance with the price, usability, security and quality criteria.

Keywords: virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), VAMR-industry, VAMR-technologies, investments, head-mounted display (HMD), field of view, resolution, refresh rate, mobility, usability, information security.


Analysis of finite solitons in the Benjamin-Whitham equation

Egorova M.V., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812-chair, leading engineer

Abstract: The evolution of acoustic pulses in elastic tubes filled with a compressible liquid is determined by the competition between nonlinearity and dispersion, due to the deformability of the shell. In interesting problems from an applied point of view, both these factors can be considered as a small perturbation, which allows us to use well-developed asymptotic methods. The propagation of acoustic pulses in elastic tubes filled with a compressible liquid, described by the Benjamin-Whitham equation, is studied. The application for research is written in C #.

Keywords: hydraulic approximation, Benjamin-Whitham equations, Fourier transform, acoustic impulses, finite soliton, four-dimensional phase space, asymptotics, homoclinic trajectory, stochastization, C # language.


Development of vibration damping methods using point stationary dampers. Part 2. Fluctuations of a flat membrane

Troenko S.Yu., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), bachelor, 813 department

Povalyaev P.P., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812 department, engineer

Abstract: In this paper we consider the problem of damping vibrations of a plane membrane using several point dampers. Methods for damping vibrations of a plane membrane using several point stationary dampers for arbitrary initial perturbations are proposed. As the boundary conditions, the fastening conditions are considered. A numerical algorithm for solving the problem of damping vibrations of a plane membrane using a coordinate method is developed. A software application has been developed that implements numerical methods and visualizes the main results of this work for different values of the initial data. The application is written in C #.

Keywords: oscillations, damper, membrane, boundary value problem, wave equation, grid method, approximation method, gradient, Lagrange method, C #, Neumann stability condition, quadratic parabola method, coordinate descent method, Fourier method, Dirac delta function.


Development of the Automated Software for Analysis of Texts of Russian Musical Performers

Kotenev D.D., Student, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, danilkotenev@yandex.ru

Kanishchev V.V., Student, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, vetasindi@yandex.ru

Abstract: With the development of ways to distribute musical compositions they become more and more popular and today music is essential part of many people’s lives. Often listeners underestimate significance of lyrics despite that it gives the song semantic load, therefore its analysis allows to examine genre features and differences between them. For that purpose in this paper automated software for downloading lyrics from the Internet, their analysis and examining genre features was developed.

Keywords: text analysis, content analysis, data analysis, parsing.


Evaluation of the construction of an individual trajectory teaching English with mathematical methods

Sharikov D.V., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812 department, engineer

Povalyaev P.P., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812 department, engineer

Egorova M.V., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812-th Department, Lead Engineer

Abstract: In the framework of this article, an application in the programming language C ++ was designed. A program has been created that allows to successfully determine the individual trajectory of training for the subsequent preparation for the FCE level examination or to identify the development shortcomings at the moment. The user can analyze his indicators, which are given both in the form of the resulting matrix, and in the form of diagrams. An analysis was made of different types of exams in English and various mathematical devices, which found their application in the model for this work. The model proposed here is universal: it can be applied not only for exams of the FCE type, but also in other spheres (it can not be English only). It can be avariety of types of tests in a variety of subjects: examinations in mathematics, the Russian language, economics, university disciplines; exams such as the Unified State Examination, OGE, internal high school tests, etc., which indicates the need to continue to use this model for a wide range of tasks.

Keywords: individual trajectory of learning, FCE, C ++ language, cognitive style, personality-oriented approach, CEFR, Laplace criterion, Wald criterion, Hurwitz criterion, Savage criterion.


System, thinking as a step forward in the theory and methodology of social design

Shevtsova O.V., National Research University Higher School of Economics

Abstract: This paper covers the subject of system thinking as a basic methodological approach of social design. It reveals the historical background of the term, its various of definitions describing system thinking as a tool to investigate and modify the world around. Moreover, the article briefly outlines the major system thinking methods which could be used as underlying methodological principles of design disciplines.

Keywords: system thinking, systems methodology, human-centred design, social design, sociotechnical systems, wicked problems.


Development of a field agro robot movement control system

Egorova M.V., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 812 Chair, Lead Engineer

Abstract: This article reviews the existing solutions and methods for organizing the management of robot movement in the agricultural sector. The characteristics that the robot motion control system should have for technological processes of cultivating cultivated crops should be justified, and a specific control object should be selected. An algorithm was proposed for autonomous control over the movement of field agro robots based on fuzzy logic. The possibilities of fuzzy inference allow defining rules for movement and circumvention of arising obstacles, without having specific data on the robot motion model. The structure of the motion control system was developed, during which the basic elements of this system were determined: fuzzy controller, Vision System, rangefinders, navigation system, left and right track drives and data receiving and transmission module. To implement the algorithm, a fuzzy controller model was created and a program was developed in the C # programming language to demonstrate the operation of the algorithm in various situations. The program allows you to specify consecutive points of the trajectory of movement of the robot and have obstacles, then observe the operation of the algorithm.

Keywords: agro robot, control system, controller model.

System administrator №9, 2018

VAMR-industry: Analysis of Contemporary State and Topical Issues in Development

Kalinina A.I., Teacher Trainer of Xtern Online Training Centre (International Education Projects, LLC), email: anutka-bell@yandex.ru, tel. +7 (903) 246-8354

Abstract: The modern virtual reality industry holds a lot of potential since its investment activity has been increasing as well as the new breakthrough projects and technologies have been emerging. However, this field is still not so widespread. The article is devoted to the analysis of the VAMR-industry current state, to the research of the topical issues that do not allow the industry to become a part of the user’s daily life, and to the search of their possible solutions. The definitions of ‘VR’, ‘AR’, ‘MR’ and the statistical data of the investment activity and the industry growth rate in 2016-2018 are given. The article considers the VAMR-industry problems from the perspective of a user in accordance with the price, usability, security and quality criteria.

Keywords: virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), VAMR-industry, VAMR-technologies, investments, head-mounted display (HMD), field of view, resolution, refresh rate, mobility, usability, information security.


Application of artificial neural networks in intrusion detection systems

Frolov P.V., post-graduate student, Kaluga Branch of Bauman MSTU, Kaluga, HAN-92@mail.ru

Chukhraev I.V., Ph. D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga Branch of Bauman MSTU, Head of «Computer systems and networks» Department, chukhraev@bmstu-kaluga.ru

Grishanov K.M., master, Kaluga Branch of Bauman MSTU, cyrilgrishanov94@gmail.com

Abstract: The algorithm for detecting network attacks based on the usage of 3 artificial neural networks of various topologies wassuggested in the article.There was made the substantiation of the choice of means, technologies and stages of the given algorithm. The following stages of the algorithm are considered: bringing the network traffic to a single format, analyzing the data and presenting the results in the form of multidimensional vectors, adding vectors to obtain the final result.

Keywords: intrusion detection system, IDS, big data, artificial neural networks, algorithm, network traffic, network data, data analysis, network attacks, information system.


Computer simulation for the impact of electrostatic discharges on the power MOS transistors taking into account the influence of the capacitance of the printed circuit board

Konstantinov Yu.A., Gorlanov E.S., Pozhidaev E.D., Tumkovskiy S.R.

National Research University Higher School of Economics, ul. Myasnitskaya 20, Moscow, 101000 Russia

Abstract: Computer simulation for the impact of electrostatic discharges (ESD) on the power IRF series MOS transistors have been carried out. The influence of the printed circuit board (PCB) capacitance values on the transistor gate-source voltage is investigated. This influence is significant for transistors with low gate – source capacitance was found. The relation between the ESD voltage and capacitance, from which occurs breakdown of the gate oxide is found. It is shown that the power MOS transistors with the gate – source low capacitance should be ESD protected using a TVS diodes.

Keywords: Computer simulation, electrostatic discharges, power MOS transistors, gate-source voltage, printed circuit board, capacitance.

System administrator №10, 2018

Method of estimation reliability of data centers

Lushpa I.L., PhD student 3d course, National Research University Higher School of Economics, School of Electronic Engineering, Moscow, ilushpa@hse.ru

Polesskiy S.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, School of Computer Engineering, Moscow, spolessky@hse.ru

Abstract: The paper presents a review of the main types of cooling systems of data center and the main methods of predicting their reliability characteristics. A technique has been developed that allows to take into account the reliability characteristics of the components of the cooling systems, namely the mechanical part, which distinguishes it from the standard approaches to assessing reliability. This allows you to give a more accurate forecast for the values of reliability indicators. Standard calculation models of failure rates are analyzed and supplemented with correction factors that were not previously available in them. The received technique is applicable at various stages of data center design, as well as in conditions when there is a minimum amount of data about the object being created.

Keywords: dependability, data processing center, mechanical components, cooling systems average mean time between failures, failure rate, reliability.


Development of intellectual voice assistant using machine learning algorithms

Shkundin S.Z., Kolistratov M.V., NUST MISiS, Moscow, 119049, Russia

Kolistratov M.V., NITU MISiS, EIIS Department

Belobokova Yu.A., MSTU named after Bauman, Moscow 105005, Russia

Abstract: Methods for determining the aggregate state of ingots during their melting in a furnace with two types of heating, based on the analysis of images of the surface of the melted material, are proposed. The data on the stability of algorithms based on the proposed methods to the input data distortions arising in the conditions of the melting process are presented.

Keywords: image processing, MATLAB, Gaussian noise, three-dimensional image.

System administrator №11, 2018

Possibilities of the author's neural network framework SkyNeural for creating, configuring and processing data in various neural network paradigms

Shustov I.S., Kaluga branch of FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (National Research University), Kaluga, e-mail: fn1-kf@mail.ru

Belov Yu.S., Kaluga branch of FSBEI of HE "Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (National Research University), Kaluga

Abstract: This article is devoted to the description of the possibilities of the new author neural network framework SkyNeural. Because of the development of neural network technologies and their widespread distribution, it is important to train people qualitatively in the necessary skills in configuring networks.

The SkyNeural framework sets itself the task in an intuitive way to teach the user how to configure the necessary networks, as well as provide functionality for a wide range of tasks.

Thanks to the division into the framework and the engine, SkNeural allows the user to use the created and configured neural networks at their own discretion without having to train the end user to handle the direct framework.

The development of the network takes place in a graphical development environment, where everything necessary is represented in the form of graphic objects with a wide range of possible settings. The framework covers the creation and configuration of individual neurons to complex architectures, such as convolutional and combined networks for pattern recognition and image generation. In the article, the example shows the progress of creating and configuring a simple network for recognizing digits. This example shows a wide range of possibilities in pre- and post-processing of data, setting up networks, as well as setting up network learning. The framework implements many approaches to learning different architectures, including. original unique methods of teaching.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, frameworks, SkyNeural, pattern recognition.


Telnet-client implementation for the remote control of the telecommunication equipment from different manufacturers

Mullabaev V.N., Candidate of Engineering Sciences Orsk Humanitarian and Technological Institute (branch) of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Orenburg State University, mvn_mvn@mail.ru

Abstract: The program for the remote connection to the management interfaces of equipment from different manufacturers via Telnet are developed. Examples of program codes in Perl and their descriptions when you connect to a different hardware were given.

Keywords: Telnet, CLI, router, ADSL-switch.


Features of using IRM systems for documents protecting in a heterogeneous corporate environment

Blazhko S.V., Postgraduate, Department of Information Technologies and Computing Systems, Moscow State Technological University «STANKIN», Moscow, blazhko@sergei.by

Abstract: The document describes the features of the implementation of Information Rights Management (IRM) systems. Work considers the positive and negative aspects of the implementation of this type of system, the factors affecting the success of the implementation and the shortcomings of both direct implementations of IRM and the models based on which the systems were developed. As a result of the research, information was obtained that allows modeling of a potentially more productive system based on modern principles of software development and solving actual problems arising during the operation of IRM systems.

Keywords: information security, IRM, document management, document automation.


Application of SCADA-technologies to the automation system of chemical-technological processes of aluminum hydrochloride

Romanenkov A.M., Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Associate Professor

Abstract: This paper describes the automation of monitoring the state of chemical-technological processes for the production of aluminum hydrochloride based on the MasterSCADA package. The main provisions of the application of SCADA-technology in industrial automation, the technological features of industrial production of aluminum chlorohydrate are considered. The problem of digitizing measurement information and designing the interface of a human operator is being solved.

Keywords: Automated process control system, chemical process, coagulation, MasterSCADA, hydrochloride, corolis flow meter, OPC protocol, reactor, MatLab, Kotelnikov theorem.

System administrator №12, 2018

Features of the use of virtual reality in education

Kupriyanova T.V., student of the Nizhny Novgorod University of Architecture and Construction, N.Novgorod, kupryanovatanya@yandex.ru

Sukhanova N.T., Scientific Supervisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, NNSACU, N. Novgorod, ntsuhanova@gmail.com

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of using virtual reality in education. Attention is paid to the equipment necessary to use virtual reality (VR). The analysis of the literature on the topic of research. The positive and negative aspects of using VR are presented. The possibility of using VR in the process of preparing students of a construction orientation is being considered.

Keywords: virtual reality, virtual headset, virtual pedagogical agent.


Analysis of human activity by deep learning

Nikolaev P.L., Lecturer of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, npavel89@gmail.com

Abstract: In this paper we research the method of analysis of human activities performed by deep learning. It is supposed to analyze the frame from the surveillance camera which can be implemented using convolutional neural networks. The first step is the segmentation of the image with the selection of the person and related objects with which he is interacting at the moment. In the second step the image cleared of unnecessary details is subjected to classification to determine the activities performed by the person. The paper presents models of convolutional networks for solving problems. Both models are implemented in Python and trained on the data collected. The obtained training results of convolutional neural networks are given.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, image recognition, computer vision.


Electronic business partner rating system

Kovalenko I.S., student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University);

Kovalenko O.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Economic Security, Volga Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of a computer system for building an electronic rating of small business counterparties when planning obligations. For a more objective assessment, a number of scientific works on the development of mathematical models for rating construction were analyzed, the optimal formula for calculating the final rating was selected, allowing to adjust the estimated parameters and correlate new parameters with the overall rating.

Keywords: counterparty checking, commitment planning, small business, rating calculation, internet services, rating building, computer technology, automated information gathering, high level of efficiency.

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