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 ВАК (Аннотации статей, 2016 г)

Annotated Articles (2016 year)

№1-2  №3  №5  №6  №7-8  №9  №10  №11  №12

System administrator №1-2, 2016

Big Data in economic research: sources of information, fields of analysis and required competences

Karasev Oleg, PhD, Acting Head of Statistics Department, faculty of economics of The Lomonosov Moscow State University, assitent professor

Matyuhina Irina, Statistics Department, faculty of economics of The Lomonosov Moscow State University, assitent professor

Legchakov K.E., international business chief expert in a russian state-own company, postgraduate on faculty of economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kliml@mail.ru.

Petrov Ivan, Graduate from faculty of geology and faculty of higher mathimatics and cybernetics of The Lomonosov Moscow State University, Gazprom Inform Ltd.


Revolutionary changes at the information sphere conditioned by quantity of intellectual devices, number of internet users, volume and speed of data transaction in broadband channels growth, open new opportunities in different areas of human activities. Economic research is not an exception. As generally known, it requires significant amount of data of different nature contained in various sources to ensure the high quality of analysis. The informational boom foreseen by leading IT-experts in the next 4-5 years will expand frameworks of scientific activities. Statistics and statistical practice due to its objects – mass phenomena and processes in socio-economic sphere – will gain a powerful urge.

There are such methods as bibliometric and patent analysis, web-scraping, social networks analysis, which are now applied in the analytical practice. Quantitative indicators of scientific activities based on these methods are under intent attention in leading countries when forming scientific policies. These approaches are also widely used as tools of S&T and innovation development forecast.

Big data analysis as a part of economic research gives an opportunity to consider systematically an amount of economic agents’ opinions fixed in primary sources, ensuring such a degree of completeness and detail, which could not be reached by traditional expert procedures. Thus, this approach has some drawbacks. Its effectiveness considerably depends on primary data quality. In addition, large-scale English language databases do not fully reflect S&T development of countries speaking other languages. The analysis results depend on the quality of search queries to the database and can vary when changing them. Each of these methods describes the state and prospects of S&T development from different views, and being applied in isolation from other approaches, it creates a false confidence in the correctness of the results and contributes to the linear perception of changes.

The correct application of modern research methods requires appropriate competencies of graduates of economic specialties that need to be developed through educational programs.

The article gives a brief review of modern methods of Big data analysis. The urgent demand of the Russian labour market for specialists with skills of working with Big data as a factor of information society development is proved.

Keywords: information society, Big data, methods of big data analysis.


Problem of an assessment of the expected efficiency of Online store

Nikishin A. F., PLEKHANOV Russian University of Economics, associate professor, Department of Trade policy, Nikishin.AF@rea.ru

Pankina T.V. , PLEKHANOV Russian University of Economics associate professor, Department of Trade policy, Pankina.TV@rea.ru


Electronic trading is characterized by the high level of the competition. Thus, even small mistakes in a choice of strategy conduct to low efficiency of economic activity, and as aresult, bankruptcy of the organization. In article the main problems as increases of competitiveness of Online stores, and a technique of its assessment with use of the software developed by authors are analyzed.

Keywords: trade, remote trade, Online store, efficiency of trade.


Management Information System: Definition and Economic Essence

Legchakov K.E., international business chief expert in a russian state-own company, postgraduate on faculty of economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kliml@mail.ru


In this article the author stresses readers’ attention at the definition and the economic essence of a management information system (MIS) in XXI century. The article contains description of MIS structural elements, its position at a company’sintegrated information space, and also the most distributed at Russia MIS functional, based on SAP ERP platform.

Keywords: management information system, enterprise resource planning (ERP).


Programm of analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of leasing operations «LeasingMaster»

Nataliya Kazakova, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Professor, Doctor of Economic Science, Head of the Business Analysis Department

Irina Dun, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, PhD, Associate Professor of the Business Analysis Department


The economic situation requires to keep under control the company's resources and optimize costs. In the face of increasing competition, both from Russian and from the international business company, especially the production sector, need to constantly update technology, equipment and other fixed assets. However, many Russian companies do not have the opportunity to make a large capital expenditure on the purchase of expensive fixed assets, so these companies use cheaper than buying equipment a method of forming fixed assets – leasing. Compared with the existing software, the program «LeasingMaster» allows not only to calculate the amount of lease payments and expenses under leasing contracts, but also to provide all the necessary information on the leasing transactions, which could be useful for users, including, very importantly, to analyze the efficiency of different leasing schemes to select the most appropriate for a particular company.

Keywords: leasing, analysis, Finance, efficiency, calculation, payments, contract.

System administrator №3, 2016

The mathematical macro model vibration of the stacked bar construction of electronic equipment

Kogevnikov A.M., Tumkovskiy S.R.

National Research University «Higher School of Economics»


In this paper the method of constructing a macro model the dynamics of stacked bar construction of electronic equipment in the frequency domain based on the finite element method and electromechanical analogy.

Macro model has a dimension equal to the number of variable parameters in the optimization process. This greatly reduces the time optimization with a small number of variable parameters.

Keywords: electronic equipment; vibration, macro model, optimization.

System administrator №5, 2016

The research values of certain parameters of the LINPACK benchmark for hybrid cluster effects on the compute performance as a function of the problem sizes

Kulikov V. A., Post-Graduate Student, Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Engineering Faculty of Electronics and Systems Engineering of the Moscow State Forest University (MSFU), Vladimir.Kulikov@rsce.ru

Chernyshov A. V., PhD, Tech., Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Engineering Faculty of Electronics and Systems Engineering of the Moscow State Forest University (MSFU), sch@mgul.ac.ru


When solving systems of linear algebraic equations with modern, hybrid (CPU GPU) clusters to the user, there arises the problem of selecting values of a number of parameters that have a significant, but unobvious subjection on computing performance and, as a consequence, on time, and, therefore, and technical resources for the solution of the problem. The existing recommendations on the selection of values for these parameters are evaluatives and do not guarantee the best performance computing for a given dimension of the system of linear algebraic equations. The purpose of this work is experimental research of the subjection of the values of the parameters Nb and CUDA_DGEMM_SPLIT LINPACK benchmark, representing a solution of model system of linear algebraic equations by the method of LU decomposition, for the performance computing of hybrid nodes of the cluster «Lomonosov» (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Federation). Recommendatory data of the values of the parameters Nb and CUDA_DGEMM_SPLIT LINPACK depending on the dimension of system of linear algebraic equations for achievement of the maximum performance for solving system of linear algebraic equations are obtained by LU decomposition method on hybrid computing nodes of a cluster «Lomonosov». The recommendatory data table constructed in this research work for a cluster «Lomonosov» allows to select unambiguously values of the Nb and CUDA_DGEMM_SPLIT parameters depending on dimension of system of linear algebraic equations for achievement of the maximum computing performance.

Keywords: GPU, cluster, high-performance computing, problem size, hybrid computing node, solving linear systems of equations, GFlops.


The relationship of specific of industry and level IT problems solved for business

Slavin Boris, PhD, Financial University under the Government of RF, professor, bbslavin@gmail.com

Maksimova Elena, Russian Union of CIO, director, Maksimova@rucio.ru


In this paper, we show that the level of the IT tasks depends on the specifics of the business industry in the context of the four eras of technological (industrial, post-industrial, information age and knowledge), in addition to the size of the organization and management level in it. The results of the survey of CIOs of various companies confirm this relationship. The proposed method of determining the level of requirements to solving IT problems can be used in the organization of IT services companies.

Keywords: the role of IT management, service management, information management, knowledge management, innovation.


Bot development for Telegram: by using Python programming language and cloud operating system Corezoid

Koloskov V.L., a student of the 4th year undergraduate, vlkoloskov@edu.hse.ru

Pavlov I.Y., a student of the 4th year undergraduate, pavlov.ilya.y@gmail.com

Ivanov E.B., a student of the 4th year undergraduate, ebivanov@edu.hse.ru

Higher School of Economics, Moscow


In our time of rapid development of IT technologies, messenger for phones and tablets are gaining immense popularity. One of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced messengers is Telegram Messenger, which gained popularity in Runet. The main feature of this application are bots, or «intelligent assistant» which distinguishe it from competitors. This article describes the process of bot development for Telegram by using Python programming language and cloud operating system Corezoid. The process of the bot registration and some simple commands are considered in the beginning of the work. This paper ends with an information about pros and cons of these two development approaches.

Keywords: Python, Corezoid, Telegram, bot, development.

System administrator №6, 2016

The MathCAD based mathematical packet for calculating electric fields in polymer films irradiated with low energy electrons

D. S. Zvezdov, , D. A. Abrameshin, V. S. Granovsky

National Research University Higher School of Economics


The Rose-Fowler-Vaisberg model which analyzes polymer radiation conductivity at strong electric fields has been considered. Special software has been developed based on the MathCAD mathematical packet. We employed it to calculate the absorbed dose, the field dependent conductivity and the frequency factor of the model as well as to analyze experimental data obtained in the Laboratory of Space Vehicles and Systems Functional Safety.

Keywords: Radiation physics, software, MathCAD, polymers, field dependency, absorbed dose, frequency factor.

System administrator №7-8, 2016

Practical implementation and application of stochastic approximation algorithms

Tkachenko K.S., 1st cat. Engineer, Graduate student, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Sevastopol State University», Sevastopol, Russian Federation, tkachenkokirillstanislavovich@gmail.com


There are the implementations of stochastic optimization algorithms on the high-level programming language Java in this article.

Keywords: stochastic optimization


Innovation centers as subjects of innovative activity: classification and basic functions

Kirilina Elizaveta Romanovna, Postgraduate study of Center Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania Oriental Studies, Moscow, kirilinaer@gmail.com


The material opens a series of articles on innovation centers around the world. At its core, innovation centers are a place of concentration of business innovation and function in almost all developed and developing countries, and their number has more than a thousand. Innovation centers today are the main actors of innovation and solve a number of important tasks for implementation and product management, process, organizational and marketing innovations.

Keywords: innovation, innovative activity, subject of innovation activity.


Approach to automation of assignments in the field of computer graphics

A. Gorokhova-Alekseeva, Bachellor of sciences, National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow, ngoral@304.ru

D. Korolev, Associate professor, National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow, dkorolev@hse.ru


This article describes an approach to assessment of assignments in online course «Computer Graphics» and in-class course «Video Technologies» held on MOOC platform Stepic and self-made platform for evaluation of graphical assignments for editing, encoding and composing video. This approach is suitable for assignments of various formalization.

Keywords: MOOC, computer graphics, video technologies, automation of assessment, higher education.


Additional features of digital magazines in the interactive environment, perspective trends

Kuzmichev A.S., Graduate student at School of National Research University Higher School of Economics, artem.kuzmichev@gmail.com


The article discusses current trends of digital publications on mobile platforms, in the context of additional interactive features. Timeline from the beginning of the periodic publications till nowdays. And suggested future directions of development.

Keywords: multipage publications, digital publications, mobile devices, interactive communications, augmented reality, mixed reality, virtual reality.

System administrator №9, 2016

The cooperative impact of Information Security together with corporate culture to overall performance in Russian companies

Lagutenkov A.A., MBA Kingston University UK, Moscow, alexlagutenkov@mail.ru


The purpose of this research is to offer an economic model that is capable to objectively assess the need or lack thereof for the implementation of Information Security (IS) in any Russian company. Country specifics in Russia is unusual corporate culture and this feature it is also necessary to consider when you start implementation of information security project. The result of this research is the linear regression equation, which can be further used to calculate the economic feasibility of any the IS project.

Keywords: Information Systems implementation, Information Security, Corporate culture, Survey Research.

System administrator №10, 2016

The architectural approach to the business and IT alignment in the organization

Simonov A.P., student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, simonov.a.p@gmail.com


The purpose of this research is to offer an economic model that is capable to objectively assess the need or lack thereof for the implementation of Information Security (IS) in any Russian company. Country specifics in Russia is unusual corporate culture and this feature it is also necessary to consider when you start implementation of information security project. The result of this research is the linear regression equation, which can be further used to calculate the economic feasibility of any the IS project.

Keywords: business architecture, information architecture (data), application architecture, technology architecture.


Practical implementation of proactive service HelpDesk

Lyubimov E.V., Ph.D., VSUES, Vladivostok, an assistant professor of mathematics and modeling


Proactive work employees improves efficiency of HelpDesk service. Proposed to use a scheduled task, for advanced analysis of of problems and proactive development of new solutions to improve the IT infrastructure. Transfer up to 30% of the volume of work of IT department to proactive scheduled tasks eventually leads to saving of resources and improve the quality of IT services.

Keywords: Information Technology, IT Management, ITSM, ITIL.

System administrator №11, 2016

Web-scale IT: why it is necessary to follow Google practices

Gavrilov A.V., a graduate student of HSE, agavrilov@hse.ru

Leohin Y.L., Ph.D., Professor of HSE, yleokhin@hse.ru

Summary: This article covers approach called web-scale IT that enables organizations to build =Google or Amazon-level IT. It highlights web-scale IT main elements: SDDC, automatization, convergence and hyper-convergence, resilience of system, flash storage, microservices, DevOps. Author presents agent-based control plane architecture to build web-scale infrastructure.

Keywords: Digital business transformation, web-scale IT, web-scale infrastructure, SDDC, software-defined domains, agent-based hierarchical distributed control plane.


Development of macro-model of testability forecast of functional assembly taking into account influence of environment temperature

Ivanov I.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, National Research University Higher School of Economics, School of Electronic Engineering, Moscow, i.ivanov@hse.ru

Korolev P.S., Master 2d course, Senior Lecturer, National Research University Higher School of Economics, School of Electronic Engineering, Moscow, pskorolev_1@edu.hse.ru

Polesskiy S.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, School of Computer Engineering, Moscow, spolessky@hse.ru

Summary: The paper represents creation of macro-models of component parts of computer engineering means by the example of secondary power supply. Macro-model is used as unified form of record by means of analytic form for each component part. This is advantage of the macro-model and difference from the numerical method. In the paper is made accurate definition numerical value of base failure rate in the range of temperature from 0 to +70 C, which producing companies indicate for the equipment. The developed macro-models allows to specify the reliability characteristics of calculated component parts depending on terms and conditions of its application, also has been solved problem of effectiveness of component parts application.

Keywords: reliability, computer engineering means, macro-model, secondary power supply, average mean time between failures, failure rate, durability.


The information-analytical system on the platform of business analytics to support the financial planning of the sales and services corporation

Bruskin S.N., senior lecturer at the department of information science, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, sergey.n.bruskin@gmail.com

Summary: Global changes in the information society has radically changed the corporate market and its participants. Traditional enterprise management systems built based on transaction data and plan-fact analysis are not useful for real time operational forecasting and its need to develop. One of the promising area of IT development for corporate planning is to design decision support systems on the business analytics platform. This article describes the approaches to the development of such systems by creating a complex multi-dimensional information models on the IBM Cognos TM1 platform basis for corporation in selling and services area.

Keywords: decision support system, corporate performance management, OLAP cubes, data driven model.


Do Multiword Expressions Follow the Zipf’s Law?

Kochetkova N.A., graduate student of the HSE, Department of Computer Engineering MIEM, natalia_k_11@mail.ru

Klyshinsky E.S., PhD., Associate Professor of HSE, Department of Computer Engineering MIEM, eklyshinsky@hse.ru

Ermakov P.D., a graduate student of HSE, Department of Computer Engineering MIEM, permakov@hse.ru

Summary: A dictionary of multiword expressions provides a suitable way for natural language processing. Automatically processing of natural language texts allows shortening the time that we need to construct such dictionaries and enlarge the number of expressions included into a dictionary. In this paper we show that n-gramms of natural language text are following the Zipf’s law; however, the index of power for distribution is varies over wide range. We use this property for such multiword expressions extraction as stylistic markers of a text and special expressions shaping the vocabulary of the selected domain.

Keywords: component design, text analysis, dictionary, Zipf's Law, syntactic patterns, probability distributions.

System administrator №12, 2016

Aggregation and decomposition of statistical data and key performance indicators in the management of socio-economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation. Part 1. Variant of data preparation model for decision-making by public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation using the means Business Intelligence

Manichev S.V., graduate student of Federal State Institution of Higher Education «Moscow Technological University», mgupi.mgupi2010@yandex.ru

Summary: The article describes the basic conditions for the adoption of quality management solutions with adaptation OLAP-analysis to the requirements of the governmental sector as well as a model of training data needed for management decisions using business intelligence tools.

Keywords: business intelligence, government services, government functions, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), measurements, quality of man-agement decisions, Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).


Parametric reliability prediction of the twisted pair

Polessky S.N., Mayakova O.Y., Aleynikov A.V., Vostrikov A.V.

National Research University High School of Economics (NRU HSE)

Summary: The article describes the parametric reliability of the twisted pair cable via the coefficient of transmission of information. The dependence of the reliability from the bit rate changing is also given.

Keywords: twisted pair, parametric failure, the transmission rate, bit rate, aspect ratio, reliability function.


Optimization of the operating system for beginners

Ivankovskaya A.V., student, Nizhny Novgorod State at the Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University), e-mail: moldavanovaav@st.mininuniver.ru, tel. +79302932714. ORSID ID 0000-0002-1702-0716

Ponachugin A.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Applied Informatics and Information Technologies in Education, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin (Mininsky University), e-mail: sasha3@bk.ru, tel. +79036022121 ORSID ID 0000-0001-5518-5565

Summary: In the modern age of computer technology the personal computer have virtually everyone, but not all are fluent in practical skills and configure the operating system for specific tasks. This article analyzes the main indicators of the effectiveness of the operating system, which will be interesting for novice users who want to do the assessment of the effectiveness, monitoring and optimization of the operating system. Additionally, the authors examined the connection between the article properties, indices and parameters of operating efficiency and special programs, utilities to optimize the OS.

Keywords: setting, OS, efficiency.


Нow to avoid refactoring?

Salibekyan S.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the National Research University «Higher School of Economics», ssalibekyan@hse.ru

Leohin Y.L., Ph.D., Professor of the National Research University «Higher School of Economics», yleokhin@hse.ru

Summary: The paper proposes a methodic to increase the efficiency of software development, in which, in particular, there is no need to use the refactoring. This is achieved by use a new principle of data structure and computational process organization based on the dataflow paradigm of the computing process.

Keywords: efactoring, dataflow, software development, object-attribute principle of organization of the computational process and data structures.


Optimization of design parameters of the receiver of infrared radiation

Kozhevnikov A.M., Ph.D., Professor, amkoj38@yandex.ru

Tumkovsky S.R., Ph.D., Professor, STumkovskiy@hse.ru

National Research university "Higher School of Economics"

Summary: The article describes the methods and programs for computer modeling of dynamic thermal and electric modes thermal bolometric pixel matrix, as well as to optimize the parameters of the pixel structure. As benchmarks-sti selected maximum pixel sensitivity to the effects of heat on him because of the radiation. The efficiency of application of methods of optimal design.

Keywords: bolometric matrix, structure, pixel, sensitivity, time constant, optimization of parameters.

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