Annotated Articles (2013-2015 гг.)
2013 year
System administrator №12, 2013
Power effective multiprocessor hardware-software complex for data-processing centers
Leokhin Y.L., Dvoretskiy I.N., Salibekjan S.M.
Relevance of development of the energoeffetivny server equipment optimized under the solution of standard problems of data-processing centers locates in article, the main characteristics of the unified multiprocessor hardware-software server complex developed by staff of National research university «The Higher School of Economy» are described.
Keywords: server, processor, technologies, software, energy efficiency, data-processing center.
2014 year
System administrator №3, 2014
Software implementation of the reduced computational schemes for the numerical integration of the system of linear differential equations based on the methods of Euler
Jadov A.D., Vostrikov A.V., Borisov N.I, Tumkovskiy S.R.
The article considers the implementation of the basic algorithms for constructing the reduced computational schemes for the numerical integration of the system of linear differential equations by Euler's method. Shows the time and construction costs reduced by calculation scheme as compared with conventional numerical methods. Payment scheme for computing large mathematical models occurs at 2-3 orders of magnitude faster used in specialized software techniques.
Keywords: algorithm, the reduction of the system of differential equations, matrix transformation
System administrator № 4, 2014
Ecological problems of the electronics industry and eco-design
Aksenova О.V., Guzenkova A.S., Nereto M.O., Tumkovskiy S.R.
Higher School of Economics
This article discusses some of the ecological issues that arise at different stages of the life cycle of products used in the process of using modern IT – Technology
Keywords: ecology, eco-design, life cycle, recycling, waste, green technology.
Securing of Digital Photos’ Content Using Multiple Marking by Digital Watermark
Yu.A. Belobokova, MSTU n.a.E. Bauman
E.S. Klyshinsky, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science MIEM NRU "Higher School of Economics."
The article introduce a new method of securing of digital images. The image on hand is divided into rectangular blocks. Every block is signed by two digital watermarks. The aim of the first one is helping to detect every block on the image. The second one stores a digital signature of the block and thus preserves its content. Therefore the introduced method allow not only detecting of the whole image corruption
Keywords: Securing of digital images, digital watermarks.
Animated captcha using hand gestures
Shumilov, the first-place winner of the regional round of "Russia and CIS". MSTU n.a.E. Bauman, the student,
Philipovich, MSTU n.a.E. Bauman, associate Professor,
The article is devoted to the creation of a new type of captcha using three-dimensional animated gestures, which has a high complexity for automatic recognition
Keywords: captcha, gesture mimic danced interface, gesture recognition, 3D modeling, spam protection.
System administrator №7-8, 2014
The technology of parameterized synthesis of gestures and their sequences based on animated 3D-models
Yuriy Philippovich, PHD, prof., Bauman Moscow State Technical,,
Kirill Tukaev., student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University,,
Sergey Adeykin, graduate student, Bauman Moscow State Technical, Moscow,,
Daria Galaktionova, graduate student, Moscow State University of Printing Arts, Moscow,
The article considers the questions of development of automated systems for gestures recognition - the computer translation system for sign language. A classification and parameterization of sign languages is presented. The approaches to modeling arms, its structural and kinematic characteristics are considered. New technology for synthesizing of gestures and sequences based on animated 3D-models is proposed. The experimental application of visualization of three-dimensional model of the hand with the use of the library OpenGL is presented.
Кеуwords: Computer translation system for sign language, gestures recognition, 3D-models of arms, OpenGL, gesture visualization.
System administrator №9, 2014
The principle of efficient search of the optimum design solutions for system design of high-quality electronic equipment
Kozhevnikov A. M.
National research University "Higher school of Economics"
Considered the principle solved the problem of synthesis of optimal efficiency of design solutions for automated designing of radio electronic means with the purpose of implementation of requirements to reliability. Considered in the design modes of operation: electrical, thermal, mechanical. The article is written for developers of radio-electronic means.
Keywords. Radio-electronic equipment, design, optimization, quality.
Parallelization of self-learning decision support system based on neural networks and a genetic algorithm
Bukharov O.E., Bogolyubov D.P.
Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics National research University Higher school of Economics
This paper describes aspects of development of decision support system based on neural networks and a genetic algorithm. We justify the use of general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) for our decision support system. Example of CUDA successful application to increase computing performance of the system in question is presented.
Keywords. Genetic algorithm, neural network, CUDA, decision support system, DSS, GPGPU, parallel computing.
Features for correct programs development with the using of the inductive functions calculations method
К.S. Tkachenko, 1st cat. Engineer, graduate student, Sevastopol National Technical University,
This article describes the possibilities of the method of constructing algorithms using inductive functions computing on the space of sequences applied to the subsequent implementation in Java. This article is not original research; better interpret it as short guideline, and the author, accodingly, as the compiler.
Кеуwords: inductive functions; processing of sequences; high-level languages.
System administrator №10, 2014
Architecture of a distributed control system based on reconfigurable multi-pipeline computing environment L-Net
Sergey Yu. Potomskiy, Assistant Professor of National Research University «Higher School of Economics».
Nikita A. Poloyko, Fifth-year student of National Research University «Higher School of Economics». Study assistant. Programmer. Field of training: «Control and informatics in the technical systems».
The article is devoted to a distributed control system based on reconfigurable multi-pipeline computing environment. The architecture of the system is given. Also, the basic characteristics and functional properties of the system are given too. The article presents a rationale for the choice of the operating system. The basic advantages of the system in comparison with existing similar developments are shown in the article.
Keywords: distributed control system, systems software support, distributed reconfigurable.
System administrator №11, 2014
Template solutions in SAP ERP implementation
Zavialov E.N, Head of the Division of the template IUS P D maintenance and development The Directorate of the template IUS P Gazprom inform LLC,
This article discusses the prerequisites for creating template solutions, analysis embodiments template solutions, as well as tools and methods support standard solutions using ERP-class systems, as an example of the product of SAP AG. The relevance of this topic due to increased competition, as well as external threats to the Russian market, which leads to the need for critical approach to optimize the costs of implementation and maintenance of information systems.
Keywords: information management system (ERP), template solutions, business process.
System administrator №12, 2014
Software implementations of the projection operator on the epsilon-simplex
Tkachenko Kirill Stanislavovich, 1st cat. Engineer, graduate student, assistant,,
There are a number of different software implementations of the projection operator on the ε-simplex in this article. The necessary formulas, tables are provided.
Keywords: software systems, projection operator.
Development and analysis of the reduced computational schemes
Vostrikov A.V., Zhadov A.D., Borisov N.I., Klyshinsky E.S.
National Research University High School of Economics (NRU HSE)
The article discusses a novel approach to solving large systems of linear ordinary differential equations of the first order. This paper describes the introduction of a new reduced computational scheme based on the Euler methods. Given the nuances of the algorithmic construction of the computational scheme. The estimated error of this scheme in comparison with the implicit Euler method. Calculated time implementation costs reduced computational schemes. The study was implemented in the framework of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in 2014.
Keywords: methods of Euler, reduced computational scheme, the transformation matrix, the error, the algorithm.
2015 year
System administrator №1-2, 2015
Optimization of time spent on verification of design documentation for the fuel and energy complex
Kalachev Y.B, MIEM HSE, Moscow,
The article describes a method for calculating of completeness of report documents in energy industry. The method was designed to reduce labor costs at the stage of acceptance of project documentation. The article provides the results of comparison for various combinations of methods, proposed method, and expert evaluation of report documentation completeness.
Кеуwords: document comparison, document completeness, weirdness, term extraction, technical documentation, report documents, energy industry.
Forecasting of development paradigms for constructing computer interfaces
Aristova U.V., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of National Research University «Higher School of Economics»,
Pashchenko O. G., assistant of National Research University «Higher School of Economics», opashenko@hse .ru
The development of computer interfaces for the past 10 years, among which the authors identify three major paradigms of their construction: mimetic skeuomorph ended, replaced it flat, future of designing interfaces - glitch or self-adjusting interfaces. Forecasting is done based on anthropological and cultural methods to draw an analogy between the development of interfaces and the development of culture (art, architecture, etc.). In the twentieth century, which allows to identify trends in the industry before they start getting real embodiment in UX/UI-product.
Keywords: forecasting, design, human-oriented design paradigm, UI-design, UX-design mimetic Skeuomorph, flat, flat design, glitch, glitch art, interface, interface design, deconstruction, adhokizm, Adolf Loos, Roman Kuznetsov, Charles Jencks Tim Brown, A.G. Velikanov.
Development and research of the decision-making support software system with the method of dominant variant choice
Tkachenko Kirill Stanislavovich, 1st cat. Engineer, Graduate student, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Sevastopol State University»,,
Developed and investigated the decision-making support software system with the method of stochastic approximation with dominant variant choice. The necessary drawings, tables provided.
Keywords: stochastic approximation; dominant variant choice; decision support system.
A Multi-System Master Data Object as the Basis of a Common Master Data Space
Petrov Ivan, Category 1 Specialist, Division of Business Process Repository and Corporate Master Data Bank, «Gazprom inform» LLC
The report considers modern approaches to master data management processes in large companies. It touches the issues of building a common master data space and the main difficulties to be faced in the process of work (low quality of source data, large volumes of poorly structured information, etc.). The main part of the report introduces a new concept of “a multi-system master data object”, gives its detailed description, and provides examples of its actual application in building a common master data space.
Keywords: master data, data management, business process, information management, system integration, common data space, data storage, references, classifiers.
System administrator №3, 2015
The procedural generated logos in design of interfaces: technologies of creation, opportunity and restriction of use
Aristova U.V., doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of National Research University «Higher School of Economics»,
Kozlov A.A., assistant of National Research University «Higher School of Economics»,
Computer interfaces – one of the most dynamically developing components of the virtual environment. They passed some consecutive stages in the development and today we enter a new era of the self-adjusted interfaces. Procedural generation becomes the leading technology of design of content of the sites and their visual filling. In article on concrete examples advantages and shortcomings of use of this technology and methods of visualization of dynamically created logos are considered, the main receptions by means of which are described it is possible to create a generative logo and to keep its recognition.
Keywords: procedural generation, interface, logo, content, design, installation, texture, kommunikatsionnny design, business card, poster, animation, animation, banner, website, internet marketing, School of Design HSE Rhizome, virtual environment, generative logo modeler, 2D Wednesday, 3D Wednesday, SVG-graphics, Java Script, WebGL, Canvas-canvas.
System administrator №4, 2015
Calculation of the parameters of the operational amplifier macro models using Scilab
Kogevnikov A.M., Kostennikov S.I., Tumkovskiy S.R.
National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
This article presents the results of the development programs of macro models for calculating the parameters of the operational amplifier of the first and second level using Scilab. With the use of circuit simulation program LTSpice on a set of test circuits verified calculated parameters macro models.
Keywords: macro model, an operational amplifier circuit simulation, identification, parameters, SPICE, Scilab, LTSpice.
Computer simulations for radiation charging of dielectrics with the specific low conductivity
A.E. Abrameshin, M.D. Azarov, A.E. Pozhidaeva
National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 101000, Moscow, Russia
Computer simulations have been carried out for radiation charging of dielectrics with the specific bulk conductivity in the range 10-9 – 10-12 Ω-1∙m-1. It has been shown that under electron irradiation the higher is conductivity the more effective is the removal of the deposited charge thus making electrostatic discharges less probable. Simulation results are in good agreement with experimental data obtained for a number of composite samples with specified bulk conductivity values.
Keywords: Computer simulations, radiation charging, dielectrics, electrostatic discharges.
System administrator №6, 2015
Imitation and optizimation planning IT system for continuous cycle process production manufacture
Anishchenko D.I., senior engineer of automated production controlling systems in the functional support department of enterprise informational management system, «Gazprom peperabotka» LLC,
Ovsyankin M.V., chief of the department of analytical monitoring and prognosis, «Gazprom pererabotka» LLC,
The article is about creating imitation and optimization planning IT system with virtual production modelling functionality closest to reality. The system is intended for use in oil and gas process production manufacture following the example of «Gazprom-pererabotka» LLC. Nowadays the demands for innovation methods of production management are determined by growing «Gazprom» OSC needs of effectivity, productivity, and growing global competition.
Keywords: IT-system, optimization, innovation, production management.
System administrator №7-8, 2015
Decision making when administering complex technical projects
Vishnekov A.V., professor, Ivanova E. M., ass. professor,,
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, «Computer Engineering» department, Moscow
The article deals with the application of decision support in the complex projects administration and execution. The main types of decision-making problems are shown. Research have shown that these problems have complex and multi-criteria character. The solution of this task by the decision-maker (project managers, design departments managers, design engineers) can cause some mistakes. When performing complex and expensive projects the price of these mistakes is high and may affect the success of the project. An example of the successive concessions method to solve the problem of recruitment for the project.
Keywords: project administration, the decision-making task, decision support methods.
Complex information support of decision making under the condition of a priori indeterminacy of the input data
Tkachenko Kirill Stanislavovich, 1st cat. Specialist on educational and methodical work, Assistant, Graduate student Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Sevastopol State University» Sevastopol, Russian Federation, 299053,,
There are stochastic approximation method using neighboring variants to optimize the control actions choices and the dominant method of options selection for decision making suppor under conditions of virus attack provided in this article. Program-instrumental complex for informational decision making support under the condition of a priori uncertainty of the input data adaptive decision making stochastic automata algorithms described.
Keywords: decision making support, a priori indeterminacy, stochastic automata.
Technological basis of risk management in commercial banks
Altukhova Y.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Banking, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
Zotov V.A., Ph.D.,Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
The article presents the results of development of methodical and information infrastructure of the integrated risk management in Commercial Bank. The analysis is based on the technique of stress testing developed in Plekhanov Russian Economic University. It is based on a technique of dynamic economic and mathematical modeling with application of information technologies. The created combination of the methodical and tool device allows carrying out the dynamic scenario analysis of activity of commercial bank for identification of potential risks.
Keywords: commercial bank, integrated risk management, stress tests, banking market, financial instruments, business process, risk indicator.
The choice of values of the coefficient of strength for embedding multiple protective marking bitmaps
Yu.A. Belobokova, S.I. Maslennikova, MSTU named after Bauman, Moscow 105005, Russia
The article describes the technique of multiple protective marking bitmap images, allowing to verify its integrity and authenticity after various distortions. To achieve this goal in chunked protect the embedded image marking two types of digital watermarks. The methodology for determining the optimal values of the coefficient of the embedding strength of the protective marking.
Keywords: Securing of digital images, digital watermarks, PSNR.
Development of an algorithm for constructing an adequate picture of the spreading of the currents on the spacecraft surface
Vostrikov A. V., Mayakova O. Y., Aleinikov V. A.
National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE)
In this paper we propose an algorithm for constructing an adequate picture of the spreading of the currents on the spacecraft surface. The sequence of actions based on the transformation of the output file of the program LTSpice IV. The algorithm was implemented and tested at the structural and electrophysical models in the form of a plane. The study was implemented in the framework of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in 2015.
Keywords: electrification, structural, electrophysical model, algorithm.
System administrator №9, 2015
Information society statistics: cloud index
Legchakov K.E., international business chief expert in a russian state-own company, postgraduate on faculty of economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University,
In this article the author stresses readers’ attention at the information society phenomenon monitoring with help of a new statistical indicator – «cloud» index. The article contains variations of the index, their definitions, formulas and author’s appeal to monitor this index by state-scale statistic agencies.
Keywords: information society, cloud index, statistics.
Automated formatting of customer preferences in telecom, based on using Data Mining methods and Business Rules Management Systems
Veynberg Roman, PhD, Associate Professor at Сomputer Science department of Russian Plekhanov University of Economics, project manager at Program Logistics
The article discusses automation process of selection of telecommunication services via execution rules, implemented in forms of structural and functional BRMS units of Visual Rules software, taking into account changes in consumer and personal characteristics of the clients. Author has developed decision support system, which is selecting telecommunication services for consumers. The main function of the system is to create sets of telecommunication services based on results of data mining and intelligent analysis of customer characteristics (set of socio-demographic and personal data of customers). The main functionality is built on Rule language and realizes execution of business rules sets (were built about 100 variations of rules, consisting of one global and seven sub-flow rules). On the developed system was received patent right № 2014660621. Scope: support decision making in selecting telecom services for customer groups.
Keywords: data mining, business rules management system, decision support system, telecommunication market, customer profile.
Automatic calculation of medical services: Way from problem to software complex
Vokina S.G., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Laboratory of medical software,
Zotov V.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Laboratory of medical software,
This article presents the results of applied and methodological developments carried out at the Information Technology Department of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Medical Software Laboratory «MedSoftLab») in the field of health care institutions automation. A brief review of financing mechanisms and pricing of medical institutions, the substantiation of the necessity to use specialized software tools for the proper and effective management of pricing policy for paid medical services. Proposed software complex «Automated control system of medical services cost management». Describes the main functionalities and features of the software complex. It's given the urgency of implementation in practice of medical institutions
Keywords: calculation of medical services cost, paid medical services, software for paid medical services, software for clinics and hospitals, medical information system, software for medical and economic standards calculating, software for professional examinations calculation, software for services cost calculation.
System administrator №10, 2015
How to Kill Homonymy?
Rysakov S.V., a graduate student of HSE, Department of Computer Engineering MIEM,
The article provides a review of modern methods of morphological ambiguity resolution. We considered such methods as statistical disambiguation
System administrator №11, 2015
Design hypertext models of electronic-digital library
Titov V.A. – PhD, Professor, department of information technologies, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
Nedelkin A.A. – senior teacher, department of information technologies, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
This article deals with the creation of hypertext digital library based on modern information and communication technologies, taking into account the specific use in the educational environment. This system is designed to represent geographically remote access readers in on-line mode, and thus help to improve the information infrastructure of the university.
Keywords: hypertext model, library, web-server.
Social and economic forecasting and macroeconomic management testing system
Kougaenko A.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
Zotov V.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Laboratory of medical software,
This article presents the results of methodological and applied research (led by prof. Kougaenko A.A.) in field of socio-economic dynamics forecasting carried out at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Authors proposed software "DYN-Prognoz" to construct cybernetic models (dynamic, non-linear, having a feedback loops and non-stationary structure) and forecast future conditions and structural transformations of studied systems. There is brief overview of innovative tool DYN based on a dynamic model of Russian Federation economy.
Keywords: socio-economic forecasting, socio-economic processes dynamic modeling, non-stationary structures, deterministic chaos, nonlinear processes, situation center, macroeconomic forecasting, countries coalition modeling, military-political conflicts, international oil market forecasting, DYN-Prognoz.
System administrator №12, 2015
Computer forecasting of durability computing
Zhadnov V.V., Polesskiy S.N., Kulygin V.N., Lushpa I.L.
National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE)
The paper considers the method for predicting the durability performance computing using a computer. The basic technique of forecasting durability. The algorithm works of automation of calculating durability. And also developed a database on the characteristics of durability. This article was written as part of a research project (№ 15-05-0029), made with the support of «Science Foundation Higher School of Economics» in 2015.
Keywords: durability, computer engineering, databases, reliability.