Finding Natural Supplements For Kids With ADHD Might Be The Best Move You Ever Make - "Open Source" - Форум
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 Finding Natural Supplements For Kids With ADHD Might Be The Best Move You Ever Make

Форум / Редакция / "Open Source" / Finding Natural Supplements For Kids With ADHD Might Be The Best Move You Ever Make

fitness - 11.07.23 - 18:28
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Статус: Почетный житель
Сообщений: 442
Зарегистрирован: 12.02.23

If one of your kids has been diagnosed with ADHD, and you have discussed this with friends, or maybe discussed it on an ADHD related forum, you will no doubt have been given plenty of different advice. Of course it is also to be expected that not all that advice is good advice, but some of it probably is.

For example,Always Best Moving. has anyone suggested that you look for natural supplements for kids with ADHD? Please, don't take such suggestions lightly. I know that many people dismiss homeopathic remedies as being useless concoctions reserved for aging hippies and the so-called "tree hugger" brigade, and I guess sometimes they are right, but not always.

There are many health problems that are known to respond very well to natural remedies. Yeast infections can for example be cleared up using yogurt or garlic. The risk of having a heart attack can be significantly reduced through daily use of a high quality omega-3 rich fish oil supplement, and the list goes on and on.

Interestingly enough, fish oil with a high DHA and EPA content has been proven in clinical trials to have an effect on ADHD related behaviors. Studies have also revealed that people who have ADHD have a lower concentration of these essential fatty acids in their bodies than people without the disorder.

There are also several natural supplements for kids with ADHD available on the market nowadays. Some will of course be of a somewhat questionable nature, but there are a few which have been on the market for a number of years already. Surely if these are ineffective, word would have got out long ago?

Contrary to what the pharmaceutical companies would like you to believe, ADHD drugs are not always successful at treating the disorder. Admittedly, even the very best natural remedy is not going to be 100% successful in every case either, but there is one massive difference.

To date there has not been a single death caused by any natural ADHD remedy. ADHD prescription drugs on the other hand have killed scores of children, teens, and young adults. Sometimes the drugs have been indirectly responsible, while in other cases they have been directly responsible.

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